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88 Divine Fire<br />

woman transposed over Howard’s body. One<br />

audience member, Eleanor Warner, described<br />

“the figure of a beautiful woman, very young,<br />

with long golden hair, a very slim body, and<br />

small waistline. She seemed to glow in the<br />

golden light.” Another witness, Trudy Allen,<br />

was “overcome by the transcendent beauty<br />

that was shining forth.”<br />

In Howard’s account, Diane appeared to<br />

her, in full view of twenty-seven witnesses, for<br />

the first time on April 29, 1955, and identified<br />

herself as a Venusian. That same week<br />

UFOs appeared on four occasions over Palm<br />

Springs, California, Howard’s hometown.<br />

See Also: Contactees<br />

Further Reading<br />

Howard, Dana, 1958. “The Drama behind the<br />

Space Ships.” Flying Saucer Review 4, 3<br />

(May/June): 21–23.<br />

Divine Fire<br />

In a book that would prove influential in<br />

1970s New Age circles, Brad Steiger wrote of<br />

what he called the “Divine Fi re.” He believe d<br />

that a dramatic rise was occurring in visionary<br />

experience, channeling, and other contact with<br />

ostensible higher intelligences. “Clergymen,<br />

c l e rks, professors, public relations exe c u t i ve s ,<br />

h o u s ew i ves, students, servicemen, and factory<br />

w o rkers have been demonstrating that Pe n t ecost<br />

was not just a one-shot special designed to<br />

e xcite the Apostles and their kibitzers in Je rusalem<br />

of A.D. 30,” he said (St e i g e r, 1973).<br />

According to Steiger, these extraordinary<br />

experiences and communications were taking<br />

a variety of forms, but the message was the<br />

same in its essence as those given to prophets<br />

five thousand years ago. He suggested that<br />

“the very repetition of a basic message may be<br />

evidence of the vital relevancy and universality<br />

of a cosmic truth.” The messages came from<br />

ostensible angels, extraterrestrials, divinities,<br />

and the like, but all spoke of a “Higher Being”<br />

from whom each individual could draw inspiration<br />

and wisdom. These messages stated<br />

that all humans have the power within themselves<br />

to contact this Higher Being. All things<br />

were one; everything and everybody was at<br />

once individual and universal. And finally, humans<br />

were entering, in Steiger’s summary, “a<br />

New Age, another progression in our evolution<br />

as spiritual beings. . . . We are moving toward<br />

a state of mystical consciousness wherein<br />

every man shall be priest.”<br />

See Also: Channeling<br />

Further Reading<br />

Steiger, Brad, 1973. Revelation: The Divine Fire. Englewood<br />

Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.<br />

Dual reference<br />

“Dual reference” is a term coined by Massachusetts<br />

ufologist Joseph Nyman. His hypnotic<br />

investigations of abductees have led him<br />

to the discovery that many believe themselves<br />

to be of alien origin. They have no conscious<br />

memories of such a personal extraterrestrial<br />

link, but under hypnosis they gradually come<br />

to understand that the aliens who are abducting<br />

them are actually their own associates and<br />

colleagues. They eventually grasp that before<br />

their human selves were born, their alien<br />

selves made the decision to send their consciousnesses<br />

into human fetal bodies. In the<br />

very first years of their human lives, memories<br />

of their homes on other worlds are lost, but<br />

over the years, as they undergo abduction experiences,<br />

they learn—through hypnotic “recall”<br />

of these experiences—of their true past<br />

and their mission in this life and on this<br />

planet. Sometimes, while the session is going<br />

on, the hypnotist is able to speak directly with<br />

the alien intelligence in the subject’s body.<br />

Similar notions are not uncommon among<br />

contactees, many of whom are convinced that<br />

they were extraterrestrials in an earlier lives<br />

and are now here to help prepare humans for<br />

the great geophysical and spiritual changes<br />

that will be coming soon. Dual reference also<br />

is somewhat comparable to the notion of<br />

Walk-ins, popularized by occult writer Ruth<br />

Montgomery, except that Walk-ins are not always<br />

(though they are sometimes) extraterrestrials.<br />

Moreover, they are so intellectually and<br />

spiritually advanced that they only take up oc-

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