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214 Reptoids<br />

of “repulsive and insensitive” reptilian aliens.<br />

“What is fascinating,” he writes, “is that persons<br />

who had never heard of these lizard-types<br />

are reporting strikingly similar details in regards<br />

[sic] to their anatomy, manner, and behavior.<br />

In every case of mine the reptilian<br />

forces a rape upon the subject with no explanation<br />

or apparent reason” (Carpenter, 1994).<br />

Another researcher, Karla Turner, has written<br />

of similar incidents, including one in which<br />

an abductee “recalled” being on a table surrounded<br />

by humanoid aliens. She said, “A<br />

reptile-looking creature was getting on top of<br />

me, I guess to rape me,” just before she lapsed<br />

into unconsciousness (Turner, 1994).<br />

Besides such experiential claims, reptoid/<br />

reptilian aliens have given rise to a new<br />

mythology that fuses conspiracy theories, biblical<br />

literalism, hollow earth, and other ideas.<br />

Among the most bizarre is the assertion by a<br />

leader of Britain’s Green Party, David Icke,<br />

who holds that the Royal Family are shapeshifting<br />

reptilians who conduct bloody rituals<br />

on hapless human victims, including children.<br />

At least one writer reports that former President<br />

George Bush is a reptilian. Others assert<br />

that reptoids live in vast caverns underground,<br />

working in collaboration with evil forces in<br />

U.S. military and intelligence communities.<br />

Others say that the reptilians have been slandered,<br />

that—except for their (to the human<br />

eye) unsettling appearance—they are gentle,<br />

decent, and well intentioned.<br />

One who speaks well of reptilians is jazz<br />

singer Pamela St o n e b rooke, who has spoken<br />

openly of a sexual relationship with one. Sh e<br />

has “g reat re s p e c t” for him and a “p ro f o u n d<br />

connection with this being.” Under hypnosis,<br />

she was re g ressed to an earlier life hundreds of<br />

thousands of years ago to find herself a member<br />

of a band of “reptilian warriors facing a<br />

c a t a s t rophic event in which we perished<br />

t o g e t h e r. . . . I believe that on one level, I may<br />

be meeting these entities again, perhaps fellow<br />

warriors from the past warning us of an impending,<br />

self-inflicted doom” (“The Re p t i lians,”<br />

n.d.). Carpenter has written of re p t o i d<br />

witnesses known to him, “On e . . . sheepishly<br />

admits to having an incredible orgasm while<br />

being totally repulsed by the intru d e r’s<br />

g rotesque appearance. Within two months a<br />

second female from the same town re p o rt e d<br />

independently the same type of Reptilian inva<br />

d e r, with the same surprising and embarrassing<br />

orgasmic response!” (Carpenter, 1993).<br />

Some observers believe that the reptilians<br />

are satanic entities related to the serpent who<br />

led Adam and Eve astray. They maintain that<br />

hundreds of thousands of these creatures—as<br />

many as one hundred fifty-thousand in New<br />

York alone—live in underground bases, feasting<br />

on children whom they lure into their<br />

lairs. According to some, however, the reptilians<br />

are vegetarians.<br />

John Rhodes writes that the reptilians<br />

travel from their home region—Alpha Draconis—in<br />

mother ships with most of the occupants<br />

in a state of suspended animation for<br />

the bulk of the voyage. As they pass planets,<br />

some of the functioning crew fly off in scout<br />

ships to study the new worlds and establish<br />

subterranean bases thereon. Where Earth is<br />

concerned, according to Rhodes, the reptilians<br />

hatch their plots from these bases, “establishing<br />

a network of human-reptilian crossbred<br />

infiltrates [sic] within various levels of<br />

the surface culture’s military industrial complexes,<br />

government bodies, UFO/paranormal<br />

groups, religious, and fraternal (priest) orders,<br />

etc. These crossbreeds, some unaware of their<br />

reptilian genetic ‘mind-control’ instructions,<br />

act out their subversive roles as ‘reptilian<br />

agents,’ setting the stage for an [sic] reptilian<br />

led ET invasion” (Rhodes, n.d.).<br />

See Also: Abductions by UFOs; Close encounters of<br />

the third kind; Hollow earth; Hybrid beings;<br />

King Leo; Reptoid child; Volmo<br />

Further Reading<br />

Allan, W. K., 1975. “Crocodile-Skinned Entities at<br />

Calgary.” Flying Saucer Review 20, 6 (April):<br />

25–26.<br />

Carpenter, John S., 1993. “Abduction Notes: Reptilians<br />

and Other Unmentionables.” MUFON<br />

UFO Journal 300 (April): 10–11.<br />

———, 1994. “Other Types of Aliens: Patterns<br />

Emerging.” In Andrea Pritchard, David E.<br />

Pritchard, John E. Mack, Pam Kasey, and Claudia<br />

Yapp, eds. Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the

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