Clinical Trials and Preclinical Infrastructure Asset Map - Genome BC

Clinical Trials and Preclinical Infrastructure Asset Map - Genome BC

Clinical Trials and Preclinical Infrastructure Asset Map - Genome BC


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APPENDIX 8. Provincial And National Patient Registries Involving B.C. Investigators (cont’d)<br />

Name of Registry/ URL B.C. Contact Description<br />

N/A Canadian on-line patient data surveillance system (see www.gcdisclosure-divulgationsc.<br />

phac-aspc.gc.ca/phac/pd/pd_grants.nsf/WEBbydetails/4D1B39E580E78B9F8525734000500<br />

2AD?OpenDocument&L=E&).<br />

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Patient Data<br />

Registry (no URL)<br />

Localized registry of COPD patients.<br />

256<br />

Jeremy Road, Medical Director of the<br />

COPD Clinic<br />

jroad@interchange.ubc.ca<br />

Tel: 604 875-4241<br />

COPD Registry at The Lung Centre, VGH (No<br />

URL)<br />

Collects <strong>and</strong> maintains data on all trauma patients admitted to any of the nine trauma receiving<br />

facilities in B.C. The primary purpose is to improve <strong>and</strong> maintain the quality of patient<br />

care. Other purposes of this data source are for epidemiology, research, planning, injury<br />

Sharon Kasic, VGH<br />

sharon.kasic@vch.ca<br />

Tel: 604-875-4748<br />

Other<br />

B.C. Trauma Registry (www2.<br />

itssti.hc-sc.gc.ca/clf/clfinventory.nsf/idview/030204164816-KC-<br />

surveillance; <strong>and</strong> contributing to injury prevention programs.<br />

KR?OpenDocument&lang=E)<br />

CORR records, analyzes <strong>and</strong> reports on the level of activity <strong>and</strong> outcomes of vital organ transplantation<br />

<strong>and</strong> renal dialysis activities in Canada. It keeps statistics on transplant numbers,<br />

donor numbers <strong>and</strong> waiting lists.<br />

John Gill, Chair, CORR Transplant Registry,<br />

St Paul’s Hospital<br />

jgill@providencehealth.bc.ca<br />

CORR (Canadian Organ Replacement Register)<br />

Transplant Registry<br />

(http://www.cihi.ca/corr)<br />

Tel: 604-806-9048<br />

An automated, integrated, client health record <strong>and</strong> reporting system that supports public<br />

health provider interventions, tracking, follow-up, case management, <strong>and</strong> reporting. iPHIS<br />

includes immunization tracking, communicable disease case management, <strong>and</strong> surveillance<br />

components <strong>and</strong> is designed to be used centrally, providing secure access to one client<br />

record by multiple public health providers <strong>and</strong> programs <strong>and</strong> allowing communicable disease<br />

surveillance <strong>and</strong> immunization information to be shared. Data available for project-specific<br />

Dilma S<strong>and</strong>rin, iPHIS Program Manager,<br />

<strong>BC</strong>CDC<br />

Tel: 604-707-2501<br />

Integrated Public Health Information<br />

System (iPHIS)<br />

(www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/php-psp/ciphs-eng.<br />

php#wiphis)<br />

research purposes.<br />


US/Canadian registry of children with Wegener’s Granulomatosis <strong>and</strong> related small-medium<br />

vessel chronic vasculitis populated by all pediatric rheumatology centres (see www.vasculitisfoundation.org/registryofchildrenwithWG<strong>and</strong>relatedvasculitides).<br />

David Cabral, <strong>BC</strong>CH.<br />

dcabral@cw.bc.ca<br />

Tel: 604-875-2437.<br />

ARCHIVE (International Registry for Childhood<br />

Vasculitis)<br />

Database of all nephrology patients on dialysis, with CKD <strong>and</strong> before/ after transplantation.<br />

Contains all patient records <strong>and</strong> outcomes from B.C.’s 37 renal units. Care providers can access<br />

information about a patient’s medical care, no matter where the care is delivered.<br />

Mirek Piaseczny, B.C. Provincial Renal<br />

Agency<br />

mpiaseczny@bcpra.ubc.ca<br />

Tel: 604-806-8647<br />

PROMIS<br />

(www.bcrenalagency.ca/professionals/<br />


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