Small Riga Ghetto

Small Riga Ghetto

Small Riga Ghetto


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113<br />

Their stay in the ghetto prison was not long. A few days later they were led<br />

to the place of their schchite (execution). They made their last walk with their<br />

hands in chains, accompanied by Haar, Perl and others. Behind them walked<br />

the murderer Krause with his gun cocked.<br />

The streets were blocked off, as was always done in such cases. According<br />

to the rumors, Machtus said to the Commandant at the wall of the Jewish<br />

cemetery, where the execution took place: "Bloodhound! Don't think that the<br />

Jewish people will be destroyed through our execution!" Then all three of them<br />

sang the "Hatikva". With our national hymn on their lips the martyrs went to<br />

their death.<br />

The loss of Machtus and the others made a horrible impact on us. I myself<br />

had known Machtus for many years. At that time he was still a student in the<br />

Hasmonea fraternity and was a very good friend of my relatives.<br />

XXIX.<br />

At first we heard practically nothing from the new Kommandant. There were<br />

some arrests but no executions – until one day he signed and carried out the<br />

death sentence against seven people. Now he had tasted blood, and his sadistic<br />

and murderous instincts emerged from this moment on, just as Krause's had.<br />

Accompanied by his comrade Gymnich and his big dangerous dog, he often<br />

strolled through the ghetto unannounced. Entirely unexpectedly he entered<br />

apartments, inspected the kitchens and looked into the cooking pots. As soon<br />

as people heard he was walking through the ghetto they had to immediately<br />

throw into the latrine all the food they had laboriously gathered at so much<br />

risk.<br />

On these walks he amused himself by shooting cats or pigeons with his gun.<br />

And if a bullet hit a Jew instead of a cat or a pigeon, that didn't matter to him!<br />

He even monitored the hospital to see whether individual Jews really were<br />

"legally" excused from work. He dealt with the German ghetto in exactly the<br />

same way.<br />

Only too often, the Kommandant and Gymnich were standing at the ghetto<br />

gate when the work crews returned. There they monitored us, beat us and<br />

frisked us. If even the smallest thing was found on one of us, that unfortunate<br />

individual was instantly sent to the bunker and from there to the cemetery<br />

wall.<br />

As soon as the Kommandos approaching the gate saw the two murderers<br />

standing there, everyone simply threw away as soon as possible whatever he<br />

had on him in the way of food or money. Thus mountains of things that be-

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