Small Riga Ghetto

Small Riga Ghetto

Small Riga Ghetto


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caped from this camp. Because they too were suspected of plotting to escape,<br />

Abe Lif and Gramm were taken to Kaiserwald and from there to Stützpunkt.<br />

On 7 August 1944 the whole camp was transported to the Kaiserwald concentration<br />

camp. All of these people were put for several days into what was<br />

called the "barrack of the dead". Because large-scale extermination actions<br />

were being carried out in Kaiserwald at that time, the entire barracks camp<br />

was to be either gassed or shot. Thanks to an Aryan inmate twenty-two teenagers<br />

were selected for work, including the three Kor brothers, the Beljak<br />

brothers and others. Two teenagers, Jachnin and a twelve-year-old boy, both<br />

of them from Dvinsk, had hidden in the latrine pit. They were pulled out,<br />

completely covered with filth, and sent to be liquidated.<br />

That was the sad end of this small satellite camp.<br />

l) Dünawerke (Daugava Factories)<br />

In Dinawerke arum tajch un Wald<br />

Zajnen do idn * fun gor der Welt<br />

Arbeiten alle schwer und in Kelt...<br />

(At the Dünawerke, surrounded by water and forest,<br />

There are Jews from all over the world<br />

They do hard labor in the cold...)<br />

(A hymn)<br />

A satellite camp called the Dünawerke was set up in the former building of the<br />

large Prowodnik rubber factory, which was known throughout the world.<br />

About 800 men and women, mostly women, were sent to work there.<br />

Among them were a great many women from Vilno (the sisters Henia and<br />

Fania Durmaschkina, Esia Raichel, Ester Lipow and others) and from Germany.<br />

Among the men from Latvia were Sascha Kaufmann from Auce,<br />

Salzmann, Lewenstein from Jelgava and others. The camp elder was the Jew<br />

Josef Kussmann. The overseer was Unterscharführer Becker, who, thanks to<br />

the German Jewish woman Liesel, did not pay too much attention to the barracks<br />

camp. This clever woman administered the affairs of the Jews in the<br />

camp very skillfully. All the inmates were housed in quite decent rooms, and<br />

in addition to the starvation rations they received it was possible for them to<br />

acquire food elsewhere. They had to do both heavy labor and easier kinds of<br />

* [Ed.: Idn]

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