Jesse Sharpe PhD thesis - Research@StAndrews:FullText ...

Jesse Sharpe PhD thesis - Research@StAndrews:FullText ...

Jesse Sharpe PhD thesis - Research@StAndrews:FullText ...


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Incarnation as Social Protest 114<br />

This Grace great Lady, doth possesse thy Soule,<br />

And makes thee pleasing in thy Makers sight;<br />

This Grace doth all imperfect Thoughts controule,<br />

Directing thee to serve thy God aright;<br />

Still reckoning him, the Husband of thy Soule,<br />

Which is most pretious in his glorious sight:<br />

Because the Worlds delights shee doth denie<br />

For him, who for her sake vouchsaf’d to die.<br />

And dying made her Dowager of all;<br />

Nay more, Co-heire of that eternall blisse<br />

That Angels lost, and We by Adams fall;<br />

Meere Cast-awaies, rais’d by a Judas kisse,<br />

Christs bloody sweat, the Vineger, and Gall,<br />

The Speare, Sponge, Nailes, his buffeting with Fists,<br />

His bitter Passion, Agony, and Death,<br />

Did gaine us Heaven when He did loose his breath. (249-264)<br />

From an introduction in which Lanyer moves dedicatory praise of the wealthy to a<br />

meditation on the worth of virtues above all else, she begins her narrative of Christ’s trial,<br />

death, and resurrection. As the reader moves through the rest of the poem, it is this theme<br />

of greatness residing in the low, while those with temporal power are actually ignorant and<br />

powerless, that will continuously confront the reader. It is the human Jesus who will be<br />

praised, not for his physical or material wealth, but for his virtues, his humility and

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