Jesse Sharpe PhD thesis - Research@StAndrews:FullText ...

Jesse Sharpe PhD thesis - Research@StAndrews:FullText ...

Jesse Sharpe PhD thesis - Research@StAndrews:FullText ...


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Incarnation as Social Protest 116<br />

Th’afflicted body of this innocent Dove,<br />

Poore women seeing how much they did trangresse,<br />

By teares, by sighes, by cries intreat, may prove,<br />

What may be done among the thickest presse,<br />

They labor still these tyrants hearts to move;<br />

In pitie and compassion to forbeare<br />

Their whipping, spurning, tearing of his haire. (993-1000)<br />

That the arrest, trial, and execution of Jesus are moments in his life of great<br />

humility is made perfectly clear by Lanyer. She states ‘Loe here thy great Humility was<br />

found,’ (473) and ‘the sonne of Man to be, | To purge our pride by thy Humilitie’. (479-<br />

480) This is the perfect embodiment of Donne’s phrase, ‘humbled in the flesh’ 43 as Jesus<br />

is God, and yet he is allowing himself to be arrested, falsely tried, beaten, and killed by<br />

those whom he created. He is, at this moment, the true embodiment of the meek inheriting<br />

the earth. The paradox of the Almighty God being a weak man on trial is one which<br />

Lanyer continuously draws attention to. The reader finds lines such as ‘He was content to<br />

stoope unto their Lure, | Although his Greatnesse might doe otherwise’ (523-24) and<br />

Now al their powres, their wits, their strengths, they bend<br />

Against one siely, weake, unarmed man,<br />

Who no resistance makes, though much he can (550-52)<br />

and again ‘Perfections height in lowest penury, | Such glorious poverty as they never<br />

knew.’ (893-94) The height of perfection submits to death by corrupt men in order that he<br />

43 George R. Potter and Evelyn M. Simpson (eds.), The Sermons of John Donne, vol. 3, (Berkeley, 1962), p.<br />


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