Carsten Timm: Theory of superconductivity

Carsten Timm: Theory of superconductivity

Carsten Timm: Theory of superconductivity


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This gap is said to have s-wave symmetry in that it does not have lower symmetry than the lattice, unlike d-wave.<br />

To emphasize the sign change, it is <strong>of</strong>ten called an s ± -wave gap. The simplest realization would be<br />

12.4 Triplet superconductors and He-3<br />

∆ k = ∆ 0 cos k x a cos k y a. (12.38)<br />

So far, we have assumed that Cooper pairs are formed by two electrons with opposite spin so that the total<br />

spin <strong>of</strong> pair vanishes (spin-singlet pairing). This assumption becomes questionable in the presence <strong>of</strong> strong<br />

ferromagnetic interactions, which favor parallel spin alignment. If <strong>superconductivity</strong> is possible at all in such a<br />

situation, we could expect to find spin-1 Cooper pairs. Since they would be spin triplets, one is talking <strong>of</strong> triplet<br />

superconductors. This scenario is very likely realized in Sr 2 RuO 4 (which is, interestingly, isostructural to the<br />

prototypical cuprate La 2 CuO 4 ), a few organic salts, and some heavy-fermion compounds. It is even more certain<br />

to be responsible for the superfluidity <strong>of</strong> He-3, where neutral He-3 atoms instead <strong>of</strong> charged electrons form Cooper<br />

pairs, see Sec. 2.2.<br />

Formally, we restrict ourselves to a BCS-type mean-field theory. We generalize the effective interaction to<br />

allow for an arbitrary spin dependence,<br />

H = ∑ ξ k c † kσ c kσ + 1 ∑ ∑<br />

V στσ′ τ<br />

N<br />

′(k, k′ ) c † kσ c† −k,τ c −k ′ ,τ ′c k ′ σ ′, (12.39)<br />

kσ<br />

kk ′ στσ ′ τ ′<br />

where σ, τ, σ ′ , τ ′ =↑, ↓ are spin indices. In decomposing the interaction, we now allow the averages ⟨c −k,τ c kσ ⟩ to<br />

be non-zero for all τ, σ. Thus the mean-field Hamiltonian reads<br />

H MF = ∑ kσ<br />

We define<br />

so that<br />

ξ k c † kσ c kσ + 1 N<br />

∑<br />

kk ′<br />

∑<br />

στσ ′ τ ′ V στσ′ τ ′(k, k′ )<br />

k ′<br />

(⟨ ⟩ )<br />

c † kσ c† −k,τ<br />

c −k′ ,τ ′c k ′ σ ′ + c† kσ c† −k,τ ⟨c −k ′ ,τ ′c k ′ σ ′⟩ + const.<br />

(12.40)<br />

∆ στ (k) := − 1 ∑ ∑<br />

V στσ′ τ<br />

N<br />

′(k, k′ ) ⟨c −k′ ,τ ′c k ′ σ ′⟩ (12.41)<br />

σ ′ τ ′<br />

∆ ∗ στ (k) = − 1 N<br />

∑ ∑<br />

k ′<br />

σ ′ τ ′ V σ′ τ ′ στ (k ′ , k)<br />

⟨c † k ′ σ ′ c † −k ′ ,τ ′ ⟩<br />

. (12.42)<br />

Here, we have used that [<br />

Vστσ ′ τ ′(k, k′ ) ] ∗<br />

= Vσ ′ τ ′ στ (k ′ , k), (12.43)<br />

which follows from hermiticity <strong>of</strong> the Hamiltonian H. Then<br />

H MF = ∑ kσ<br />

ξ k c † kσ c kσ − ∑ kστ<br />

∆ ∗ στ (k) c −k,τ c kσ − ∑ ∆ στ (k) c † kσ c† −k,τ<br />

+ const. (12.44)<br />

kστ<br />

The gap function ∆ στ (k) is now a matrix in spin space,<br />

(<br />

∆↑↑ (k) ∆ ˆ∆(k) = ↑↓ (k)<br />

∆ ↓↑ (k) ∆ ↓↓ (k)<br />

)<br />

. (12.45)<br />

The function ˆ∆(k) has an important symmetry property that follows from the symmetry <strong>of</strong> averages ⟨c −k,τ c kσ ⟩:<br />

It is clear that<br />

⟨c kσ c −k,τ ⟩ = −⟨c −k,τ c kσ ⟩. (12.46)<br />

Furthermore, by relabeling σ ↔ τ, σ ′ ↔ τ ′ , k → −k, k ′ → −k ′ in the interaction term <strong>of</strong> H, we see that the<br />

interaction strength must satisfy the relation<br />

V στσ ′ τ ′(k, k′ ) = V τστ ′ σ ′(−k, −k′ ). (12.47)<br />


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