Sex, Gender, Becoming - PULP

Sex, Gender, Becoming - PULP

Sex, Gender, Becoming - PULP


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tini’s testimony 161<br />

year, almost all were ‘coloureds’, (except for one white lady<br />

landowner who had paid a labourer too little) accusing one another of<br />

complicity in all sorts of quarrels; one woman was accused of adultery<br />

by an alleged spouse. 29 The intimate lives of white women did not<br />

reach the courts; in white male eyes, raunchy behaviour was<br />

apparently more convincing among ‘coloured’ women. 30<br />

The fact that Beuster protested (perhaps a little) too much in favour<br />

of Tini’s whiteness, proves that race was fluid and contestable in late<br />

nineteenth century Transvaal. However, it also alludes to a possibility<br />

that the gossiping from Boer farm to Boer farm and into the heart of<br />

Pietersburg may have presented Tini as ‘coloured’, ‘bastard’, or<br />

‘oorlams’, 31 rather than white. Tini was indeed living on the margins<br />

of several cultures. Which one would be apportioned to her, which<br />

one would she appropriate? Would it be the same under all<br />

circumstances? When Superintendent Krause conducted Tini’s final<br />

‘hearing’ in Pietersburg on 27 July 1892, he explained that although<br />

Tini was conversant in Dutch, German, as well as ‘Sesutho’ (sePedi),<br />

he asked her to speak in Dutch, which he later calls the ‘oorlamse’<br />

language, since he believed that this was the language in which she<br />

could express herself the most convincingly. 32 The way in which Stech<br />

treated Tini (according to her own testimony) as an indentured<br />

servant rather than as the precious godchild of a friend, provides an<br />

indication of how the majority of Boer observers must have perceived<br />

her position. ‘Non-white’ orphaned girls indentured as domestic<br />

servants until at least the age of twenty one, were not an uncommon<br />

sight in Boer households at the time. Taking into consideration that<br />

Stech, after twenty years in the ‘wilderness’ as he himself had called<br />

it, had warmed significantly to Boer ways and had even made a good<br />

friend in the local Boer Commissioner, Vorster, it is not unlikely that<br />

he had claimed ownership over Tini and her services in the way Boer<br />

29 NASA TAB: ZZG 65: Landdros, Notule van siviele en kriminele sake, 1891.<br />

30<br />

The convergence of race and class in this stereotyping would, of course, make<br />

interesting further investigation.<br />

31 A person, or child of a person, of colour who had adapted to the ways of the Boers<br />

through long years in their employment. These people had lost contact with their<br />

communities of origin, including their language and customs. They copied the<br />

dress code and the language of the white people they worked for, predominantly<br />

Dutch/Afrikaans-speaking farmers/ ‘Boers’.<br />

32 EA BMG Gegen Stech: BMW 1/4225 56-58: Beilage A, 27 Juli 1892.

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