World Bank Document

World Bank Document

World Bank Document


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Key<br />

In each table, economies are listed in their Figures in the colored bands are . Not available.<br />

group in ascending order of GNP per cap- summary measures for groups of<br />

ita except for those for which no GNP per economies. The letter w after a (.) Less than half the unit shown.<br />

capita can be calculated. These are listed in summary measure indicates that it is All growth rates are in real terms.<br />

alphabetical order, in italics, at the end of a weighted average; the letter m,<br />

their group. The reference numbers below that it is a median value; Figures in italics are for years or periods<br />

reflect the order in the tables. the letter t, that it is a total. other than those specified.<br />

Afghanistan 29 Honduras 45 Panama 80<br />

Albania 120 Hong Kong 90 Papua New Guinea 51<br />

Algeria 83 Hungary 119 Paraguay 65<br />

Angola 68 India 14 Peru 58<br />

Argentina 79 Indonesia 43 Philippines 52<br />

Australia 112 Iran, Islamic Republic of 93 Poland 124<br />

Austria 106 Iraq 94 Portugal 81<br />

Bangladesh 2 Ireland 101 Romania 125<br />

Belgium 104 Israel 89 Rwanda 15<br />

Benin 18 Italy 102 Saudi Arabia 97<br />

Bhutan 30 Ivory Coast 48 Senegal 36<br />

Bolivia 40 Jamaica 63 Sierra Leone 24<br />

Brazil 77 Japan 108 Singapore 91<br />

Bulgaria 121 Jordan 73 Somalia 13<br />

Burkina 6 Kampuchea, Democratic 32 South Africa 84<br />

Burma 7 Kenya 26 Spain 100<br />

Burundi 10 Korea, Democratic People's Sri Lanka 25<br />

Cameroon 54 Republic of 70 Sudan 28<br />

Canada 114 Korea, Republic of 78 Sweden 115<br />

Central African Republic 16 Kuwait 98 Switzerland 118<br />

Chad 31 Lao People's Democratic Republic 33 Syrian Arab Republic 74<br />

Chile 76 Lebanon 71 Tanzania 12<br />

China 19 Lesotho 37 Thailand 55<br />

Colombia 67 Liberia 38 Togo 17<br />

Congo, People's Republic of the 60 Libya 96 Trinidad and Tobago 92<br />

Costa Rica 57 Madagascar 23 Tunisia 62<br />

Cuba 69 Malawi 8 Turkey 61<br />

Czechoslovakia 122 Malaysia 75 Uganda 9<br />

Denmark 113 Mali 3 Union of Soviet Socialist<br />

Dominican Republic 64 Mauritania 39 Republics 126<br />

Ecuador 66 Mexico 82 United Arab Emirates 99<br />

Egypt, Arab Republic of 46 Mongolia 72 United Kingdom 105<br />

El Salvador 47 Morocco 50 United States 117<br />

Ethiopia 1 Mozambique 34 Uruguay 85<br />

Finland 110 Nepal 4 Venezuela 87<br />

France 109 Netherlands 107 Viet Nam 35<br />

German Democratic Republic 123 New Zealand 103 Yemen Arab Republic 42<br />

Germany, Federal Republic of 111 Nicaragua 56 Yemen, People's Democratic<br />

Ghana 22 Niger 11 Republic of 41<br />

Greece 88 Nigeria 53 Yugoslavia 86<br />

Guatemala 59 Norway 116 Zaire 5<br />

Guinea 20 Oman 95 Zambia 44<br />

Haiti 21 Pakistan 27 Zimbabwe 49<br />


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