World Bank Document

World Bank Document

World Bank Document


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eceipts minus social security outlays) actually fell<br />

Figure 3.2 Difference between long- and<br />

short-term interest rates in the United States<br />

from 23.7 percent of national income in 1965 to 23<br />

percent in 1984. But government expenditure on<br />

and Germany, 1965-83<br />

goods and services (including interest payments<br />

Percent<br />

but not social security outlays) actually rose from<br />

4 23.3 percent of national income in 1965, and 23.9<br />

3 ^ percent in 1979, to 27.4 percent in 1984.<br />

2<br />

United States<br />

j A/\ l \n Ptrial<br />

Budget deficits have grown in the major induseconomies<br />

(see Table 3.2, which gives infla-<br />

1 \4 /A\ IT N\ S /tion-adjusted deficits of all levels of government).<br />

-1 V 17<br />

Only Germany and Japan managed to reduce their<br />

\ / \t _J /inflation-adjusted deficits between 1979 and 1984.<br />

/ \ /The biggest change was in the United States, from<br />

-2 Germany |<br />

v<br />

V<br />

-<br />

an inflation-adjusted surplus of 3.6 percent of<br />

national income in 1979 to a deficit of 2.7 percent in<br />

-3 1984. Further large deficits are projected unless<br />

1965 1970 1975 1980 1983 current policies are changed.<br />

. . ~~~~~~~To judge whether the growth of budget deficits<br />

Source: OECD financial statistics, yearbooks, and monthly supplements,<br />

1965-83; IMF International Financial Statistics; and Fed- contributed to the rise in real interest rates, the<br />

eral Reserve Board statistical releases.<br />

analysis cannot stop with figures showing deficits<br />

as a proportion of national income. Since world<br />

favored capital investment. The changes resulted savings equal world investments, an increase in<br />

in (a) the strong stock market recovery in the government deficits can be matched in either of<br />

United States in 1983-84, and (b) the sharp rise in two ways: a decline in investment or an increase in<br />

investment-more than usual at an early stage of domestic and foreign savings. One popular theory<br />

the business cycle-high real interest rates not- argues that reductions in tax revenues will be offwithstanding.<br />

As Figure 3.3 shows, the average set one for one by private savings, with no need<br />

rate of profit taxation has indeed fallen consider- for adjustment in investment, the current account<br />

ably. However, the 7 percent decline in the effec- of the balance of payments, or world interest rates.<br />

tive rate of profit tax can, on current estimates of This hypothesis is not borne out by experience.<br />

the marginal productivity of capital, explain less Private savings in the United States has been on a<br />

than a percentage point increase in long-run inter- steady decline since the mid-1960s with an upturn<br />

est rates. Moreover, the effects of such a tax change only since 1982 as the economy came out of the<br />

on the return to capital might be expected to recession. A budget deficit of 2.7 percent of<br />

decline over time, because additional investment national income is more than half the net private<br />

in response to the increased after-tax return<br />

should, over time, bring down the rate of return<br />

on capital. This would point to a flattening of the Figure 3.3 Corporate income taxes as a<br />

yield curve-that is, long rates rising less than percentage of economic profits in<br />

short rates; the flattening did not take place. Fur- the United States, 1950-89<br />

thermore, investment has not been particularly Percent<br />

high by historical standards: 14.7 percent of U.S. 60<br />

GNP in 1983 compared with a 15.5 percent average<br />

for 1970-79. Therefore, tax changes are also likely 50 A<br />

to account for only part of the increases in real<br />

Baseline without<br />

interest rates. 40 t reforms<br />

* Budget deficits. Controversy about the role of Baseline \.<br />

deficits starts with their definition (discussed in 3'<br />

Box 3.3). But there is no dispute on the strong 20<br />

pressures to increase deficits; in every industrial<br />

country, public expenditure has been rising stead- 0<br />

ily (see Figure 3.4), while taxes and social security 1950 1960 1970 1980 1989<br />

contributions have risen much less. In the United<br />

States, net government receipts (total government Source: Congressional Budget Office 1984.<br />


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