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72 Deleveraging, What Deleveraging<br />

which typically provides an incentive for explicit defaults. A more likely scenario<br />

for China is a combination of inflation and currency depreciation that indirectly<br />

shifts the burden of the adjustment to foreigners.<br />

In order to contain systemic risk, the Chinese government may choose to<br />

bail out some major players (either financial or non-financial) if high debt and<br />

slowing nominal growth result in some over-leveraged large entities getting in<br />

trouble. However, even if such bailouts stemmed from systemic risk, it would not<br />

be a free ride. Indeed, a combination of public bailouts and the likely burning<br />

of private shareholders would correspond to a diminished propensity to lend in<br />

the private sector and an increased perception of risk that would compound the<br />

slowdown in activity. The consequent deleveraging would be accentuated should<br />

there be, as looks likely, a sequence of relatively ‘small’ defaults by individual<br />

private entities, which the government calculates would not threaten financial<br />

stability. Although not systemic, these defaults could still affect confidence and<br />

thus activity levels.<br />

If rapid leveraging up was indeed the reason why China kept growing at a<br />

slowing, but above potential, rate since 2008, a phase of deleveraging through<br />

slower credit formation would imply a significant slowdown, with growth<br />

possibly falling below potential. Even a Chinese ‘Type 2’ crisis that avoided<br />

severe financial disruption but generated a significant growth slowdown would<br />

still have a global impact. The difference with the post-2008 crisis would be<br />

in the transmission channel: while the financial spillovers were the main<br />

transmission channel to the rest of the world in the advanced-economy crisis,<br />

the international transmission of deleveraging in China would primarily operate<br />

through lower demand for global exports. Given the prominence of China as a<br />

source of export demand in recent years, this would have a material impact on<br />

global growth performance. Furthermore, the combination of a trade slowdown<br />

and a renminbi depreciation could also generate international political economy<br />

tensions by triggering renewed debate about ‘currency wars’.<br />

It is also possible to envisage more adverse scenarios in which the Chinese<br />

authorities decide to fight the ongoing structural slowdown by maintaining the<br />

pace of leveraging up of the economy of recent years. Such a choice would increase<br />

the likelihood of a postponed, but abrupt ‘Type 3’ crisis down the road, as after<br />

another few years of rapid leveraging up even China would be unlikely to have<br />

the resources to achieve a gradual deleveraging process. Chinese policymakers are<br />

likely to remain for some time between the ‘rock’ of slowing nominal growth and<br />

the ‘hard place’ of high and rising leverage.<br />

The ‘fragile eight’<br />

Recent market concerns have focused on the so-called ‘fragile eight’ (Argentina,<br />

Brazil, Chile, India, Indonesia, Russia, South Africa and Turkey) for which various<br />

types of risk indicators have shown significant movement since 2010, even if<br />

the individual circumstances of these countries are quite diverse. Accordingly,<br />

we also examine the behaviour of two subgroups of emerging economies (EM1<br />

and EM2), where EM1 consists of the ‘fragile eight’ and EM2 consists of a second

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