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SECTION 1 2 3 NOTES<br />

324. Oxfam and Ethical Tea Partnership (2013) ‘Understanding<br />

Wage Issues in the Tea Industry’, Oxford: Oxfam,<br />

http://oxf.am/wNZ. This takes into account wage<br />

increases since the research was conducted by Ergon<br />

Associates in 2011.<br />

325. R. Anker and M. Anker (2014) ‘Living Wage for rural Malawi<br />

with Focus on Tea Growing area of Southern Malawi’,<br />

Fairtrade International (Western Cape, South Africa),<br />

Fairtrade and Social Accountability International (Dominican<br />

Republic), and Fairtrade, Sustainable Agriculture Network/<br />

Rainforest Alliance and UTZ Certified (Malawi),<br />

http://fairtrade.net/fileadmin/user_upload/content/2009/<br />

resources/LivingWageReport_Malawi.pdf<br />

326. IDH (2014) ‘Raising wages for tea industry workers’,<br />

case study, http://idhsustainabletrade.com/site/getfile.<br />

phpid=497<br />

327. International Trade Union Congress (2014) op. cit.<br />

328. R. Wilshaw et al (2013) op. cit.; R. Wilshaw (2013) op. cit.;<br />

IDH (2013) op. cit.<br />

329. Fairtrade International (2013) ‘Living Wage Reports’,<br />

http://fairtrade.net/workers-rights.html#c9571<br />

330. This research was undertaken by Richard and Martha Anker.<br />

They also assessed the value of in-kind benefits and<br />

other factors influencing worker’s pay. Their reports are<br />

available at http://fairtrade.net/workers-rights.html#c9571<br />

331. R. Pollin, J. Burns and J. Heinz (2002) ‘Global Apparel<br />

Production and Sweatshop Labor: Can Raising Retail Prices<br />

Finance Living Wages’, Cambridge Journal of Economics,<br />

http://scholarworks.umass.edu/cgi/viewcontent.<br />

cgiarticle=1012&context=peri_workingpapers; Workers<br />

Rights Consortium (2005) ‘The Impact of Substantial Labor<br />

Cost Increases on Apparel Retail Prices’, http://senate.<br />

columbia.edu/committees_dan/external/wrc1105.pdf<br />

332. A. Osborne (2012) ‘CEOs and their salaries: because they’re<br />

worth it...’, The Telegraph, http://telegraph.co.uk/finance/<br />

newsbysector/banksandfinance/9002561/CEOs-and-theirsalaries-because-theyre-worth-it....html<br />

333. J. Schmitt and J. Jones (2012) ‘Low-wage Workers are<br />

Older and Better Educated Than Ever’, Center for Economic<br />

and Policy Research, http://cepr.net/documents/<br />

publications/min-wage3-2012-04.pdf; and data<br />

collected by Oxfam America.<br />

334. Quote taken from Fight for 15,<br />

http://fightfor15.org/en/dwaynemitchell. The campaign<br />

argues that US tax payers are forced to pay nearly $7bn<br />

a year when fast food workers depend on public assistance,<br />

http://fightfor15.org/en/the-facts-2<br />

335. Economic Policy Institute (EPI) (2014) ‘As union membership<br />

declines, inequality rises’, http://epi.org/news/unionmembership-declines-inequality-rises<br />

336. Oxfam America (2014) ‘Working Poor in America’, Boston:<br />

Oxfam, http://oxfamamerica.org/explore/researchpublications/working-poor-in-america<br />

337. L. Mishel and M. Walters (2003) op. cit.<br />

338. R. Wilshaw (2010) ‘Better Jobs in Better Supply Chains’,<br />

Oxford: Oxfam, http://oxf.am/aFg<br />

339. S. Labowitz and D. Baumann-Pauly (2014) ‘Business as<br />

usual is not an option: Supply chains sourcing after Rana<br />

Plaza’, Stern Center for Business and Human Rights,<br />

http://stern.nyu.edu/sites/default/files/assets/<br />

documents/con_047408.pdf<br />

340. Good Electronics (2014) ‘Samsung’s no union policy claims<br />

another life’, http://goodelectronics.org/news-en/<br />

samsung2019s-no-union-policy-claims-another-life<br />

341. Source: Instituto de Pesquisa Economica Aplicada,<br />

and Departamento Intersindical de Estatica e Estudos<br />

Socioeconomicas, Brazil, http://ipeadata.gov.br/. An online<br />

data set produced by IPEA, see also http://dieese.org.br<br />

342. Economist Intelligence Unit (2013) op. cit.<br />

343. FAO, Working Group on Distribution of Value, http://fao.org/<br />

economic/worldbananaforum/working-groups/wg02/en<br />

344. Camera de Comercio de Guayaquil, ‘Boletin Economico’,<br />

http://lacamara.org/ccg/2013%20Feb%20BE%20CCG%20<br />

Salario%20Digno%20y%20las%20PYMES.pdf<br />

345. S. Butler (2014) ‘Chinese shoppers’ spend could double to<br />

£3.5tn in four years’, The Guardian, http://theguardian.com/<br />

business/2014/jun/03/chinese-shoppers-spend-doublefour-years-clothing-western-retailers<br />

346. See: R. Wilshaw (2013) op. cit., ‘Unilever Response and<br />

Commitments’, pp.94–95; IPL commitments in R. Wilshaw<br />

(2013) ‘Exploring the Links between International Business<br />

and Poverty Reduction: Bouquets and beans from Kenya’, op.<br />

cit.; Ethical Tea Partnership press release for ‘Understanding<br />

Wage Issues in the Tea Industry’, http://oxfam.org/en/<br />

pressroom/pressreleases/2013-05-02/new-coalitionformed-address-low-wages-tea-industry<br />

347. See: H&M, ‘A fair living wage for garment workers’,<br />

http://about.hm.com/en/About/sustainability/<br />

commitments/responsible-partners/fair-living-wage.html<br />

348. Living Wage Foundation, http://livingwage.org.uk/<br />

employers. There has been an increase in the number of FTSE<br />

100 companies accredited as living wage employers from six<br />

in December 2013 to 15 in August 2014.<br />

349. Email to Oxfam, 4 th August 2014.<br />

350. Alta Garcia, ‘What is a Living Wage’<br />

http://altagraciaapparel.com/living-wage.html<br />

351. S. Maher (2013) ‘The Living Wage: Winning the Fight for Social<br />

Justice’, War on Want, http://waronwant.org/overseaswork/sweatshops-and-plantations/free-trade-zones-insri-lanka/17978-report-the-living-wage<br />

352. R. Wilshaw (2013) op. cit.<br />

353. L. Riisgaard and P. Gibbon (2014) ‘Labour Management on<br />

Contemporary Kenyan Cut Flower Farms: Foundations of an<br />

Industrial-Civic Compromise’, Journal of Agrarian Change,<br />

Vol. 14(2), pp.260–85.<br />

354. S. Barrientos (forthcoming, 2014) ‘Gender and Global Value<br />

Chains: Economic and Social Upgrading in Agri-Food’, Global<br />

Governance Programme.<br />

355. B. Evers, F. Amoding and A. Krishnan (2014) ‘Social and<br />

economic upgrading in floriculture global value chains:<br />

flowers and cuttings GVCs in Uganda’, Capturing the Gains<br />

Working Paper 2014/42, http://capturingthegains.org/<br />

publications/workingpapers/wp_201442.htm<br />

356. D. Card and A. Krueger (1993) ‘Minimum Wages and<br />

Employment: A Case Study of the Fast Food Industry in New<br />

Jersey and Pennsylvania’, American Economic Review,<br />

Vol. 84(4), pp.772–93, http://nber.org/papers/w4509;<br />

A. Dube, T.W. Lester and M. Reich (2010) ‘Minimum Wage<br />

Effects Across State Borders: Estimates Using Contiguous<br />

Counties’, IRLE Working Paper No. 157-07,<br />

http://irle.berkeley.edu/workingpapers/157-07.pdf<br />


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