Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...


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(<strong>Seed</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Better</strong> <strong>Productivity</strong>)Ustilaginales_______________________________________________________Cup-shapedbasidiocarppresentNo basidiocarp <strong>for</strong>med_____________________________Promycelium septate, Promycelium septate,basidiospores produced basidiospores <strong>for</strong>medlaterally from each cell apically in a clusterof the promyceliumUstilaginaceae(Smuts)Tilletiaceae(Bunts)Ustilago sagetum tritici Tilletia foetidaU. hordeiU. avenae T. cariesU. kolleri Neovassia horridaU. scitamineaU. maydis N. indicaTolyposporium penicillariaeSphacelotheca sorghiS. reilianaVarious smut diseases caused on different hosts are described as belowLoose smut of Wheat (Ustilago sagetum tritici)Loose smut occurs more seriously in humid areas than in dry areas. In India, the disease ismore prevalent in northern parts resulting in 3-4 % crop losses however some individual fields mayshow up to 20 % smutted heads. The disease is characterized by the presence of black smutspores in place of grains which later are blown away by wind leaving behind the bare rachis. Asthe pathogen is internally seed borne (embryo infection), seed treatment is the most effectivecontrol measure including hot water treatment, solar treatment and seed dressing with systemicfungicides viz vitavax (2 g/kg), bavistin 2.0-2.5g/kg and raxil 1g/kg. The tolerance levels in thefield <strong>for</strong> loose smut of wheat are fixed at 0.1 and 0.5 % <strong>for</strong> foundation and certified seed,respectively. The isolation distance is of 150 m.Flag smut of wheat (Urocystis agropyri)The disease has been appearing and causing significant losses since 1848 in Australiafrom where it is believed to be introduced into India and spread to various wheat growing areas.The disease was observed to be in severe from in 1964-65 in Rajasthan and in 1971 in Kullu (HP).Usually up to 10% loss has been common due to this disease. The leaves of infected plantsbecome twisted and assume a dropping habit, and the plant remains sterile bearing no grains.Grayish black bands running parallel to veins (having smut spores) also appear on older leaves.- 122 -

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