Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...


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(<strong>Seed</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Better</strong> <strong>Productivity</strong>)<strong>Seed</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Management</strong> in PotatoV.S. PundhirDepartment of Plant Pathology, G.B.P.U.A.&T., Pantnagar-263145 (Uttarakhand)Potato is a wonder crop that can grow under diverse range if conditions (65 0 N to 47 0 S). Itis being cultivated in 149 countries with annual production of 320 million tones. Indo-Chinaproduces about 30% of this. Over one billion people eat potato. Short duration, high yield per unitarea and time and wide flexibility in planting and harvesting time are important virtues of potatothat enable its inclusion in intensive cropping system. Realizing potato as the potential food offuture, United Nation has identified year 2008 as “International Potato Year”. It is being identifiedas the crop that can fill the cereal deficit, thus a God’s blessing to poor people. Potato produces inone hectare what cereals will produce in 2-4 hectares. In addition, 85% of potato crop is ediblewhile in case of cereals it is only 50%.Potato was introduced in India in 17 th century by Portuguese and by 1931 it became anestablished crop in cooler regions of countries. Organized research on potato started byestablishment of Central Potato Institute (Patna / Shimla) in 1949. Further, All India Coordinatedpotato Improvement Project (AICPIP) was initiated in 1970. In India 82% area is under plains (Oct.March, winter), 10% area in plateau (Peninsular India: Summer/ autumn) and 8% area is in hills(summer long day Feb – October). CPRI has released total 41 cvs. (1958) of these 25 are <strong>for</strong> shortduration (plain). In1998 first industrial / processing cv, Chipsona -1 was released, after that Chipsona -2 &Chipsona -3 has also come. Total seed requirement in India is 4.2 – 5.25 mt. In India 2500 tonesof BS is produced which undergoes in seed production channel (Certified-1, Certified-2,Foundation-1 and Foundation-2). India in not only self sufficient <strong>for</strong> seed required but can alsoexport quality seed.During 1952 Survey of potato growing areas was initiated and it was found that in N-W andCentral Indo-Gangatic Plains aphid population was very low in October – December (20aphids/100 compared leaves). Thus quality potato seed can be produced. In 1959: <strong>Seed</strong> PlotTechnique was developed at CPRI, with conditions that 75 aphid free days were available <strong>for</strong>production of healthy <strong>Seed</strong> under low aphid population with use of insecticide. Dehaulming is to bedone in Jan 2nd week (no re-groth is permitted and an isolation of 25m from ware crop. Followingwere the impact of SPT: Quality <strong>Seed</strong> production on large area <strong>Seed</strong> of right Physiological State Soil-borne pathogen of hills not carried- 207 -

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