Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...


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(<strong>Seed</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Better</strong> <strong>Productivity</strong>)<strong>Seed</strong> Treatment–A New Challenge in Organic <strong>Seed</strong> ProductionR.L. AgrawalEx-Director, Uttaranchal State <strong>Seed</strong>s & Organic Production Certification AgencyDiseases are caused by pathogens that may occur, in the soil, adhere to the seeds/planting material, or carried in the wind, or by the insect vectors. In the case of seed bornediseases, the pathogens are carried either on the surface of the seed or within it. <strong>Seed</strong>s areusually treated with synthetic chemicals to provide a general protective cover or with some specificchemicals to combat specific seed borne diseases. The organic crop husbandry standardshowever prohibit the use of synthetic chemicals in any <strong>for</strong>m or <strong>for</strong> any purpose, and hence theseeds meant <strong>for</strong> organic production can not be treated with these chemicals. Organic ProductionStandards require use of home grown untreated seeds produced under organic management <strong>for</strong>organic crop husbandry. Given the prohibition or restrictions on most seed dressings this indeed isa challenge that would need to be met.below.The various approaches that need to be adopted to meet the challenge are discussedProduce <strong>Health</strong>y <strong>Seed</strong>sThe <strong>for</strong>emost emphasis must be placed on the production of healthy plants – healthyseeds/ planting material which is capable of fending - off many of the common plant diseases. Produce a healthy soil by managing organic matter and enhancing soil life, includingmicroorganisms. Crop rotation that helps control spread of diseases. Optimize nutrient availability by green manure, composts, and other bio-fertilizers, includingthe use of nitrogen fixing crops. Use of healthy seeds, resistant crop varieties etc. Adopt Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), including management of crop harvest,threshing, drying and storage etc. Adopt sanitary measures, including field sanitation. Field sanitation through the removal ofdiseased debris, weeds, alternate and collateral hosts are very effective in containing plantdiseases. Dry and cool storage of seeds. Good sanitation of seed storage houses.<strong>Seed</strong> treatment<strong>Seed</strong>s and planting materials can be treated when it becomes imperative to do so, and thatwhen there is no other alternative. A careful choice however would need to be made amongstpermitted methods/ substances <strong>for</strong> seed treatment in organic crop husbandry.Physical methods: Wherever feasible, the seed treatment with hot water, soaking the seeds incold water, solar treatment followed by soaking seeds in water, seed cleaning, and sievingmethods should get preference over other methods.- 44 -

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