Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...


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(<strong>Seed</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Better</strong> <strong>Productivity</strong>)application <strong>for</strong>m. Also an affidavit <strong>for</strong> Rs 100/- on non judicial stamp paper has to be submittedwith the application <strong>for</strong>m indicating that the variety does not contain any GURT or terminator genetechnology. For the registration of farmers’ varieties, farmers have to be motivated <strong>for</strong> filing ofapplication <strong>for</strong>m or the SAU’s / ICAR institutes have to take the lead so that valuable germplasmcan be protected. In this direction Intellectual Property <strong>Management</strong> Centre of G.B. Pant Universityof Agric. & Tech., Pantnagar has taken the lead by filing three applications of farmers’ varieties ofrice namely Tilakchandan, Hansraj and Indrasan on behalf of the farmers and <strong>for</strong> the benefit offarmers. PPV&FR Authority has gazette notified that extant varieties which includes farmer’svarieties will be registered in the next 3 years from the date of notification of registration ofvarieties <strong>for</strong> 12 crop species. Thus there is an urgency to register the farmers varieties otherwisethe valuable germplasm which was being conserved by the farmers will remain unprotected andany body can utilize <strong>for</strong> pecuniary gains.Once the variety has been tested <strong>for</strong> its features then the Registrar of the Authority willissue the certificate of registration. It shall have the validity of nine years initially in case of treesand vines with renewal up to a period of 18 years. For other crops certificate of registration will beissued <strong>for</strong> six years initially with renewal up to 15 years. In case of extant varieties the validityperiod is 15 years from the date of notification of that variety by the Central Government undersection 5 of the <strong>Seed</strong>s Act 1966.REFERENCES1. Anonymous, 2003. The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001 and Rules,Universal Law Publishing Co., Delhi, 2003.2. Chawla, H.S., 2007a. Managing intellectual property rights <strong>for</strong> better transfer and commercializationof agricultural technologies. J Intellectual Property Rights, 12: 330 – 3403. Chawla, H.S., 2007b. Intellectual Property Rights. J. Eco-friendly Agriculture, 2(2): 103-1124. Chawla, H.S. and Singh, A.K., 2005. Intellectual Property Rights. Vol II: Copyrights, Trade Marks,Trade Secrets and Geographical Indications. Pantnagar University Press, pp-755. Chawla, H.S. and Singh, A.K., 2007. Intellectual Property Rights: Patents, Plant Variety Protectionand Biodiversity, Published by Intellectual Property <strong>Management</strong> Centre, G.B. PantUniv. of Agric & Tech., Pantnagar, 54 p.- 55 -

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