Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...


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(<strong>Seed</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Better</strong> <strong>Productivity</strong>)‣ Biocontrol agents T. harzianum and P. fluorescens have been found effective in increasing thegrowth of plants and reducing the severity of zonate leaf spot. G. virens and T. viride havebeen found most effective against anthracnose pathogen.‣ The cause of Khaira as zinc deficiency was established <strong>for</strong> the first time and zinc sulphate+slacked lime application schedule was developed <strong>for</strong> the control of the disease‣ Inoculation technique was developed to create “Kresek” phase in rice seedlings. Pre-planting rootexposure technique in a suspension of 10 8 cells/ml <strong>for</strong> 24 hrs gave the maximum “Kresek”. Rootinoculation, in general was found better <strong>for</strong> development of wilt symptoms than shoot inoculation.‣ A simple technique has been developed to detect the pathogen in and/or on seeds. Thepresence of viable pathogen has been demonstrated from infected seeds stored at roomtemperature up to 11 months after harvest.‣ The disease is sporadic in occurrence often becomes serious in nature. Chemical control trialsshowed that the disease can effectively be controlled by giving 2-3 foliar sprays ofstreptocycline @ 15 g/ha.‣ A number of new fungicides along with recommended ones and botanicals were tested againstsheath blight. Foliar sprays with Anvil, Contaf, Opus, Swing and RIL F004 @ 2 ml/l and Tilt @1 ml/l were found highly effective in controlling sheath blight. Foliar sprays with Neem gold @20 ml /lit. or Neem azal @ 3ml/lit. was found significantly effective in reducing sheath blightand increasing grain yield.‣ Foliar sprays with talc based <strong>for</strong>mulations of the bioagents (Trichoderma harzianum, orPseudomonas fluorescence, rice leaf isolates) were found effective in reducing sheath blightand increasing grain yield. Foliar sprays with the bioagents (T.harzianum) or P. fluorescence)given 7 days be<strong>for</strong>e inoculation with R. solani was highly effective against the disease.‣ <strong>Seed</strong> or soil treatment with T. harzianum or P. fluorescence @ 2, 4 or 8 g/kg enhanced rootand shoot growth and fresh and dry weight of rice seedlings.‣ <strong>Seed</strong> treatment with fungorene followed by one spray of carbendazim (@ 0.05% at tillering atdiseases appearance) and two sprays of Hinosan @ 0.1% at panicle initiation and 50%flowering was most effective and economical treatment in reducing the disease intensity andincreasing the yield.‣ For the first time, true sclerotia were observed in Kumaon and Garhwal regions at an altitude of900 m above. True sclerotia have a dormancy period of approximately six months. Exposure ofsclerotia to near ultraviolet radiation <strong>for</strong> an hour breaks the dormancy and increasedgermination.‣ Trichoderma may reduce population of earthworm invermicomposting during early days‣ An repository of >600 isolates of biocontrol agents developed atPantnagar & Ranichauri. These isolates are suited <strong>for</strong> differentcrops & agro-ecological conditions.- 18 -

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