Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...


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(<strong>Seed</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Better</strong> <strong>Productivity</strong>)chloride (0.1%) <strong>for</strong>malin (1.0%), Bordeaux mixture (4:4:50), vitavax, benlate, bavistin. Hot watertreatment (55-60°C <strong>for</strong> 10 min) has also being recommended against smut.Common Smut of Maize (U. maydis)Common smut of maize is of minor importance, being confined to Kashmir; less common inPunjab and rarely noticed in North Western parts of UP. The disease is distinct because of itseffect on maize which is not common among smut fungi and results in to <strong>for</strong>mation of galls.Infection of female flowers gives rise to galls while stem galls result in bending of stalk. Themembrane (epidermis) covering the galls later ruptures, exposing the black spore mass. Being soilborne, the disease can be reduced drastically by following crop rotation, field sanitation and seedtreatment.Head Smut of Maize (U. reiliana)Head smut has been found moderately destructive in Sub-temperate Himalayas and hillyareas of Rajasthan, while a minor incidence has also been reported from TN, Andhra Pradesh, UPand Punjab. The whole tassel is converted in to a large sac having smut spores with floral bractsgrowing in to leafy structures. Columella is not <strong>for</strong>med. Disease is soil borne so crop rotation,sanitation and seed treatment is effective in reducing soil inoculum. The tolerance levels in thefield <strong>for</strong> head smut of sorghum are fixed at 0.05 and 0.1 % <strong>for</strong> foundation and certified seed,respectively.Grain Smut of Sorghum (Sphacelotheca sorghi)Grain Smut despite being known to cause huge losses in different countries (US Myanmar,S. Africa, Italy) has been reported to be a destructive disease causing up to 25 % grain losses inIndia. The disease results in to <strong>for</strong>mation of oval dirty gray sori having black smut spores andcentral hard column called Columella composed of host tissues. Infection of plant occurs atseedling stage and hence the disease can be controlled by solar heat treatment, treatment withFormalin (0.5% <strong>for</strong> 2 hrs), Copper Sulphate Solution (0.5-3.0 % <strong>for</strong> 15 min). The tolerance levels inthe field <strong>for</strong> grain smut of sorghum are fixed at 0.05 and 0.1 % <strong>for</strong> foundation and certified seed,respectively.Loose Smut of Sorghum (S. cruenta)In India it is prevalent in Andhra Pradesh, Bombay, Karnataka and TN causing not onlygrain damage but also affects plant growth and hence fodder yield. The smutr spores produced inplace of grains get exposed duer yto rupturing of membrane. Columella is <strong>for</strong>med and persistseven after dispersal of spores. The management practices followed against grain smut also takescare of loose smut in sorghum.Head Smut of Sorghum (S. reiliana)- 125 -

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