Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...


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(<strong>Seed</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Better</strong> <strong>Productivity</strong>)pink discoloration (tanaka and Tsuchiya, 1987). Prevalence of low temperature has been shown tofavour infection by Phyllosticta glumarum, Epicoccum hyalopes and Magnaporthe grisea (Padwick,1950; Suryanarayan, 1958). Ray (1993) suggested that maximum seed discoloration occurs duringwet season when rainfall and relative humidity are high. Dash and Narain (1988) reported highincidence of glume discoloration by several fungi in wet as well as dry seasons at some places dueto low temperature, which predisposes the crop to fungi.<strong>Seed</strong> discoloration also increases with the increasing levels of nitrogen and phosphaticfertilizers (Misra an Dharam Vir, 1992). Ayotada and Salako (1980) reported that the rainfedwetland conditions and unbalanced nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium application favours seeddiscoloration. Application of silica increased total seed weight and effectively reduced seeddiscoloration (Yamauchi and Winslow, 1987; Korndorfer et al., 1999). Yamauchi and winslow(1989) reported that application of silica and magnesium protected rice plants against seeddiscoloration and seed yield increased by an average of 34 per cent. A higher seed infection anddiscoloration was rerecorded when older seedlings were transplanted as compared to youngseedlings and discoloration was more in transplanted crop as compared to direct sown crop (Misraand Dharam Vir, 1992).In West Africa, coarse upland soils and free draining soil water regimes increased seeddiscoloration severity while lowland soils and water saturation minimized it (Dobson and Aluri,1990). Late sowing, wider plant spacing (20x25cm), less nitrogen fertilization, application ofchemical fertilizers in combination with cattle manure decrease the seed infection as well as seeddiscoloration (Muhammad Saifulla et al., 1995; Mathew, 1996).ControlRice varieties/germplasms such as Improved White Ponni, Mahsuri, Intan Gowri, Prakash,ADT 39 (IR8xIR20), RAU 4045-2A (Fine Gora x IET 2832), Panikoili,, CTH 4, IET 11220, CTH 3,IET 10131, IET 10626, CTH 1, IET 11221 and Mangala were found resistant against seeddiscoloration (Prasad and Tomar, 1989; and Muhammad Saifulla, 1996).<strong>Seed</strong> treatment with different fungicides has been tried to reduce seedborne inoculum.Singh and Kang (1992) found that seed treatment with Thiram + carbendazim controlled seed rotand improved germination. <strong>Seed</strong> treatment with tricyclazole (0.2 per cent), carbendazim (0.2 percent) and mancozeb (0.3 per cent) gave effective control of P. grisea and B. oryzae (Geetha andSivaprakasam, 1993). Hetty and Shetty (1987) reported that paddy seeds treated with aqueousextracts of stem bark, leaf and seed of Strychnos nux-vomica effectively inhibited the developmentof Dreshlera oryzae, Trichoconiela padwickii, Alternaria alternata Nigrospora oryzae penicilliumspp. Curvularia sp and improved the germinability of the seeds.Fungicidal sprays of carbendazim, mancozeb at flowering stage and of Mancozeb andpropiconazole at boot leaf stage effectively controlled A.padwickii, C. lunata, C. oryzae, B. oryzae,F. monili<strong>for</strong>me, F. pallidoroseum, C. pallescens, C. geniculata, C. eragrostidis, Nigrospora oryzaeand Trichothecium roseum causing seed discoloration (Sisterna and Ronco, 1994; Deka et al.,- 162 -

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