Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...


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(<strong>Seed</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Better</strong> <strong>Productivity</strong>)the fungus is a slow growing fungus which carries over in trash. As such, there are usually warningsigns of a serious problem developing in a field over 2-3 years. The yield loss is predominately dueto excessive number of small tillers which die early, hence having poor grain fill.A complete break from wheat (and preferably barley, oats, grasses and volunteers) <strong>for</strong> atleast two years and in severe cases three years, is the best way to get disease levels back undercontrol. There is evidence in the USA and also Scotland that a single year break is insufficient timeto eradicate the problem. <strong>Seed</strong> treatments are not known to prevent the problem. This is notsurprising <strong>for</strong> a soilborne disease. Again in the USA there are indications of varietal differences,but there is insufficient in<strong>for</strong>mation on the susceptibility of UK varieties.ConclusionIt can be concluded that RCT’s in seed crop health can be crucial <strong>for</strong> ensuring quality seedproduction at economical cost to help achieve sustainable food production in India. Productioncapacity, production efficiency and crop protection are the major pillars supporting the nationalproductivity. The major challenges involved in the agriculture are replacing the traditional tillagepractices and better utilization of the conservation practices by educating and training the farmersand extension functionaries in RCT. In long run, no technology option will alone be sufficient tomaintain food security or preserve soil and water resources. Thus, policies are needed to beframed and implemented to promote on large scale the efficient use of RCT in all kinds ofproduction systems.REFERENCES1. Bisht, P.S.; Pandey, P.C. and Singh, D.K. (2006). Effect of different sources of nutrients on riceyield and nutrients status in rice-wheat cropping. Extended summary. Golden JubileeNational Symposium on Conservation Agriculture and Environment. Oct., 26-28,2006, at New Delhi. On page 193-194.2. Grover, D.K. and Sharma, T. (2007). Zero-tillage-A profitable and resource saving technology,Indian Farming, April issue.3. Gupta, R. ; Jat. M.L.; Singh, S.; Singh, V.P. and Sharma, R.K. (2006). Resource conservationtechnology <strong>for</strong> rice production. Indian Farming. 57(7):42-45.4. Sahu, J.P.; Singh, N.P.; Kaushik,M.K.;Sharma,B.B. and Singh,V.K.2002.Effect of Rhizobiumphosphorus and potoash application on the productivity of lentil. Indian J.PulsesRes.15 (1): 39-42.5. Singh, N.P.; Sachan, R.S.; Pandey, P.C. and Bisht, P.S. (1999). Effect of decade long termfertilizer and manure application on soil fertility and productivity of rice-wheat systemin Mollisol. J. Indian Soc.Soil Sci. 47 (1): 72-80.6. Singh, K.P. (2004), IPM in Rice-Wheat Cropping System. Research Bulletin. No. 138. MicrosoftTechnoprint (I) Pvt. Ltd. Dehradun. 67p.- 83 -

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