Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...


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(<strong>Seed</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Better</strong> <strong>Productivity</strong>)tools can enhance physiological quality, vigor and synchronity of seeds to establish a crop in thefield under diverse environmental conditions.Varietal identification: A core issue in seed productionConventionally identification of any cultivar has relied on morphological markers, whichrequires a detailed study of seeds and or growing plants and the observation recording andanalysis of a number of morphological characters. However, these methods are subjective andmay be influenced by environmental conditions. Further these markers were not quite enough toexpose the genetic diversity between the morphological overlap cultivars and the morphologicalidentical accessions. The need, there<strong>for</strong>e, <strong>for</strong> new method such as molecular methods wasdisparate. These methods are independent of cultivar morphology and physiology, and offersignificant advantages over morphological methods of variety and/or species identification in thatthey are rapid, relatively cheap, eliminate the need to grow plants to maturity and are largelyunaffected by the growing environment.Molecular methods <strong>for</strong> variety identification can be divided in to two classes:1. Protein based methods and 2. DNA based methodsBecause of the increased emphasis on quality of food product <strong>for</strong> specific purposes, thereis a need <strong>for</strong> development of methods which ensure quality assurance, variety identitypreservation, seed purity and product traceability. Exporters, importers and consumers globally aredemanding higher quality products, including specific varieties of grain <strong>for</strong> specific purposes.Hence, with the advent of new technology, stricter quality control and international competition, theimportance of efficient varietal identification techniques can not be neglected. Varietal identificationtechniques are also required <strong>for</strong> en<strong>for</strong>cement of Intellectual property rights and resolution ofcontroversial issues related with the use of patented variety and introduction of a variety <strong>for</strong>commercial production. Varietal identification is required <strong>for</strong> discrimination of various crop varietiesof agriculture and horticulture and is crucial from seed technology view point. For example, it isessential <strong>for</strong> maintenance of plant breeders rights, and implementation of rigid standards <strong>for</strong>varietal identity and purity. Varietal identification techniques are also important to check hybridity ofthe cultivars which is essential to detect if varieties are segregating or not.<strong>Seed</strong> quality improvement<strong>Seed</strong> technologies include priming, pelleting, coating, artificial seeds, and other novel seedtreatment methods <strong>for</strong> quality improvement. <strong>Seed</strong> germination is controlled by environmentalfactors (light, temperature, water) and on plant hormones as endogenous regulators (gibberellins,abscisic acid, ethylene, auxin, cytokinins, brassinosteroids). The utilization of plant hormones andinhibitors of their biosynthesis and action in seed treatment technologies affects seed germinationand seedling emergence. The genes, enzymes, signaling components and down-stream targets ofplant hormones provide molecular marker <strong>for</strong> seed quality and seedling per<strong>for</strong>mance.Various mechanical techniques like polishing off or rubbing off seed coat (testa) or fruitcoat (pericarp) projections or hairs and seed sorting by sizes and seed density can contribute to- 189 -

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