Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...

Seed Health Management for Better Productivity - Govind Ballabh ...


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potential. An improvement in quality and healthof seed <strong>for</strong> sowing constitutes a largeunexploited potential <strong>for</strong> increased foodproduction of unknown dimensions.As I reminded you earlier in my inauguraladdress, “<strong>Seed</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Management</strong> is one of thepathways to achieving the UN MillenniumDevelopment Goal relating to the elimination ofhunger and poverty” as has been believed by Prof.Swaminathan. There is, thus, every need toaddress the use of quality seed <strong>for</strong> boostingproduction and productivity. Undoubtedly, thescience of Plant Pathology and seed pathology inparticular, has an important role in the futuresuccess of programs and policies designed toincrease and sustain food production.Unawareness of quality seed particularly thehealthy disease free seed is one of the majorconcerns of today. Infected seeds not onlydisseminate the pathogens in previously diseasesfree areas but also lead to reduced germination,seedling vigor and ultimately the yield of the crop. Itis estimated that 30% disease are seed borne andcan be managed through disease free seed. <strong>Seed</strong><strong>Health</strong> testing is needed to be understood, in thelight of general evolution of seed sector in modernagriculture. <strong>Seed</strong> health testing may be used as atool to establish predictive relationship betweenseed borne inoculum and disease incidence,suggestive measures <strong>for</strong> effective seed treatment<strong>for</strong> better productivity.<strong>Seed</strong> replacement rate (SRR) in differentcrops is still very low in the country. For themajor crops such as wheat and rice it isapproximately 10.0 % and 20.0% respectively,(report <strong>for</strong>m NSP). For other crops also situationis not so encouraging. In crops where hybridsare available, SRR should be 100%, whichun<strong>for</strong>tunately is not being maintained. Thus,there is urgent need to increase the quality ofseed produced so that SRR may be increased toa satisfactory level.The importance of seed may be realizedby the fact that the ICAR has launched “National<strong>Seed</strong> Project” and recently a “Mega <strong>Seed</strong>Project”, nationwide, with different disciplines <strong>for</strong>quality seed production in India. Still with theef<strong>for</strong>ts and improvements in the <strong>Seed</strong>Programme, the area coverage under qualityseed is only about 12 % while the rest is underfarmers own seed. There<strong>for</strong>e, it of paramountimportance to improve the status of healthyseed production and its use through educatingfarmers, replacement of the seed frequency,demonstration of seed production andmanagement practices at the farmers level.In my opinion, the only farm with a futurewill be farms that are sustainable, economicallyviable, ecologically sound and sociallyresponsible. Sustainable crop production,there<strong>for</strong>e, holds big promise <strong>for</strong> the futureprovided quality seed is made available to thefarmers.I am delighted to know that all abovepoints have been appropriately addressed in thisparticular training course, which I am sure wasvery well designed and appropriately conducted.It is hoped that you would use theknowledge gained here in teaching, researchand extension activities at your respectiveinstitution/university. You are now in a wayalumini of this university and I am sure that youwill maintain this linkage in a dynamic manner <strong>for</strong>our mutual benefit in the pursuance of scienceof Plant Pathology, especially in the area of seedhealth management.I wish you a safe and com<strong>for</strong>table returnjourney back home and fruitful professionalcareer ahead.“Jai Hind”ii

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