FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations


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Ethical Issuesnobody can positively predict hisbehavior towards certain situationsin a scientific manner. Tests onhumans are not always reproducible.However, if the human behavior isstrictly guided by the principles laiddown in the divine source, then itbecomes predictable. The Muslimshould not, therefore, receive hiscodes <strong>of</strong> behavior or the ethics <strong>of</strong> hissociety from non-<strong>Islamic</strong> sources (12)Allah says; “Therefore shun thosewho turn away from our Messageand desire nothing but the life <strong>of</strong> thisWorld. That is as far as knowledgewill reach them. Verily thy Lordknoweth best those who stray fromHis path, and He knoweth best thosewho receive guidance.” (13) . It is theresponsibility <strong>of</strong> a Muslim to seekthe correct way <strong>of</strong> life and to rightlyguide others to the righteous way<strong>of</strong> life: “Ye are the best <strong>of</strong> peoples,evolved for mankind, enjoining whatis right and forbidding what is wrong,and believing in Allah.” (14) . There isgreat reward <strong>of</strong> acquiring knowledgeand graded very high in the verses <strong>of</strong>Qur’an:“Allah will exalt in degree those <strong>of</strong> youwho believe, and those who have beengranted knowledge. And Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do”. (15)<strong>Medical</strong> education combines these twogroups <strong>of</strong> knowledge; applied sciencesand humanities Its application is onhumans by humans whose behaviorhas to be guided by the divine source.Therefore a Muslim doctor needs to bedifferent from a non-Muslim doctor(not by appearance alone but by virtuesand deeds). He must be fully aware <strong>of</strong>his obligations both to the patient andto Allah. The process <strong>of</strong> raising such adoctor is long and tedious. (16)<strong>Medical</strong> ethics is one <strong>of</strong> the importantsubjects stressed in modern eramedical education. However it is by nomeans the <strong>Islamic</strong> ethics. <strong>Islamic</strong> ethicsis far more superior than the “medicalethics” as it protects both doctor andthe patient not only from the sins <strong>of</strong>worldly standards but those <strong>of</strong> divinestandards too. A medical school thatclaims to be a pioneer <strong>of</strong> <strong>Islamic</strong> ethicalvalues must observe certain standardsright from the beginning. Theeducational contents and the deliverysystem should be designed accordingto the divine guidance and must reflectthe requirements <strong>of</strong> the society at large.Acquiring medical Knowledge,dispersing it and practicing medicineremain an integral part <strong>of</strong> the Muslimsociety.Imam Al-Shafei said: “I know nonobler science than medicine exceptthe sciences <strong>of</strong> religion”.<strong>Medical</strong> education remained anessential part <strong>of</strong> learning and teachingin the Muslim society from its veryearly days. <strong>Medical</strong> education, despitebeing a specialty, is but one fiber in awhole mesh founded on the belief inAllah, His oneness and absolute ability,and that He alone is the Creator andGiver <strong>of</strong> life, knowledge, cure fromailments, death, this world and thehereafter. In planning the making <strong>of</strong>a medical doctor, a prime goal is to<strong>FIMA</strong> <strong>Year</strong><strong>Book</strong> <strong>2009</strong>86

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