FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations


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Muslim Contributionsswept across the <strong>Islamic</strong> world andEurope and thousands <strong>of</strong> people dieddaily. The population <strong>of</strong> Egypt, Syriaand Iraq was reduced to one third.Several epidemics <strong>of</strong> plague recurred inEgypt and Syria in 1363 and 1515 C.E.These recurring natural disasters anddisease epidemics affected agricultureand animal husbandry leading tocollapse <strong>of</strong> these industries due todeath <strong>of</strong> skilled workers. These factorsaccelerated the process <strong>of</strong> economicdecay. This, coupled with the declinein political stability, led to a lackconducive environment for knowledgeand science to thrive because society’spriority had to be refocused.Attacks from external enemiesThe Muslim world, at its height wasattacked by two sets <strong>of</strong> invaders, onefrom the West and the other from theEast. From the West came the EuropeanCrusaders. Seven Crusades werewaged against Syria, Palestine, Egyptand Tunisia between 1096 – 1291 C.E.These Crusades helped Western Europeto grow united on all fronts and helpedincrease trade and capital amongthemselves (32) . New maritime colonieswere developed under Crusaders`rule and they survived the Muslim reconquest(33) . Syria and Egypt struggledtogether under the Ayyubids and theMamlukes and adopted a militarysystem that defeated and expelledthe Crusaders. The efforts to stop theCrusaders weakened the Muslim worldand their economy for two centuries.After the unsuccessful Crusades, TheWestern forces also attacked the cradle<strong>of</strong> knowledge in Andalusia, carving outbit by bit the Muslim land until the lastbastion in Granada fell in 1492 C.E.While the Western front was busyrepelling the Crusaders, a bigger andmore formidable threat emerged, thistime it came from the East. By themiddle <strong>of</strong> the 13 th century, GenghisKhan united the nomadic tribes <strong>of</strong>Mongolia and attacked the Eastern<strong>Islamic</strong> lands. Samarkand, Bukharaand Khwarizm were conquered anddestroyed by them. In 1221 CE theyentered Persia. Another invaderfrom East, Hulagu together with hisarmy <strong>of</strong> 200,000 men marched witha plan to conquer all <strong>Islamic</strong> lands asfar as Egypt. He managed to conquerBaghdad in 1258 CE and killed theAbbasid caliph al-Musta`sim andabolished the caliphate. The riverEuphrates was reported to be a mosaic<strong>of</strong> red and black from the blood <strong>of</strong>Muslims killed and from the ink <strong>of</strong>countless books thrown into the river.This was the beginning <strong>of</strong> the end <strong>of</strong> thegreat <strong>Islamic</strong> civilization on the Easternfront, more than two centuries beforethe fall <strong>of</strong> Granada.These invasions and assault on theMuslim land led to massive massacresand significant loss in terms <strong>of</strong> humanand other valuable resources. TheMongols slaughtered up to 2 millionpeople in Baghdad alone (34) . Thiscontributed greatly to the process<strong>of</strong> depopulation and decline <strong>of</strong>civilization. The Muslims however<strong>FIMA</strong> <strong>Year</strong><strong>Book</strong> <strong>2009</strong>111

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