FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations


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The Conceptrelated to human life, health and disease,and to understand man’s relationshipwith his Creator, the universe and othercreatures. (1)The following are only a few examples<strong>of</strong> Qur’anic injunctions to think andcontemplate:“On the earth are signs for those <strong>of</strong>assured Faith, as also in your ownselves: Will ye not then see?. (13) .Now let man but think from what hewas created!.” (14)“Soon will We show them our Signs inthe (furthest) regions (<strong>of</strong> the earth),and in their own souls, until it becomesmanifest to them that this is the Truth.Is it not enough that thy Lord dothwitness all things?.” (15)“Thou seest the mountains andthinkest them firmly fixed: but theyshall pass away as the clouds passaway: (such is) the artistry <strong>of</strong> Allah,who disposes <strong>of</strong> all things in perfectorder: for He is well acquainted withall that ye do.” (16)“Do they see nothing in the government<strong>of</strong> the heavens and the earth and allthat Allah hath created? (Do theynot see) that it may well be that theirterms is nigh drawing to an end? Inwhat message after this will they thenbelieve?.” (17)In the <strong>Islamic</strong> concept, human life on thisearth has a basic goal: To worship Allah( SWT )“I have only created Jinns and humans,that they may serve Me.” (18)<strong>Medical</strong> sciences are proper means tothink, contemplate and understand thesesigns <strong>of</strong> creation.<strong>Medical</strong> students, educated along theseconcepts from their early days in medicalschools, will proceed to acquire balancedpersonalities, equipped with harmoniousoutlook <strong>of</strong> the unity <strong>of</strong> science and faith.Science in general, and medicine inparticular, is a form <strong>of</strong> worship andtool for the students’ minds to exercisethinking and contemplation in thecreation <strong>of</strong> Allah ( SWT ).“Men who celebrate the praises <strong>of</strong>Allah, standing, sitting, and lyingdown on their sides, and contemplatethe (wonders <strong>of</strong>) creation in theheavens and the earth, (With thethought): “Our Lord! not for naughtHast Thou created (all) this! Gloryto Thee! Give us salvation from thepenalty <strong>of</strong> the Fire.” (19)“Those truly fear Allah, among HisServants, who have knowledge:for Allah is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving.” (20)This kind <strong>of</strong> Tarbiyah is instrumental inthe evolution <strong>of</strong> medical practitioners,scientists and researchers who complywith the divine guidance to discoversound basis <strong>of</strong> health and disease, to exertthe needed diligent effort to investigate,discover and remedy human disease, andin doing so, to discover Allah’s healing,power, wisdom and perfection.Through uncovering these secrets,<strong>FIMA</strong> <strong>Year</strong><strong>Book</strong> <strong>2009</strong>77

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