FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations


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Inculcating <strong>Islamic</strong> Inputbe eligible as His instrument <strong>of</strong> cure ,one needs to be perfect in knowledgerelated with his selected mode <strong>of</strong> therapyi.e. contemporary medicine, allopathic,homeopathic, herbal, acupuncture, etc.The doctor ought to strive for maximumknowledge and competence so thathe may qualify to be a source <strong>of</strong> thetransference <strong>of</strong> His cure. God suggeststhis in the Qur’an.” and say: My Lord! Increase me inknowledge.” (32)What is meant by the integration <strong>of</strong><strong>Islamic</strong> and modern medicine?The most important point here is tomake a clear understanding about theintegration <strong>of</strong> <strong>Islamic</strong> and modernmedicine. The three possibilities <strong>of</strong>integration are as follows:1. Introducing <strong>Islamic</strong> philosophy tomodern medicine2. Introducing <strong>Islamic</strong> methods <strong>of</strong>healing to modern medicine3. Introducing the contributions <strong>of</strong>Muslims to modern medicineIn the first case, there is no need tochange the content and subjects <strong>of</strong>medicine. The only thing that needsto be done is to add some contentsregarding the <strong>Islamic</strong> philosophy andexpose students to these concepts. Theaim should be to change the thinking<strong>of</strong> the trainers and trainees so thatthey clearly understand their role andstrive for divine guidance when treatingtheir patients. This is the most difficultprocess and needs lot <strong>of</strong> motivationfrom the trainers and traineesIn the second case, most <strong>of</strong> the contentsand subjects needs to be changed.Students should be taught various<strong>Islamic</strong> methods <strong>of</strong> healing and theyshould learn about the qualities andmedicinal effects <strong>of</strong> various plants(herbs), honey and other naturalproducts to apply to their patients.This is easy but it will change the wholestructure <strong>of</strong> modern medicine.In the third case, nothing requires to bechanged. The only thing is to add somecontent about the Muslim scholars,especially physicians, to understandtheir role in modern medicine.The third option is not related to <strong>Islamic</strong>input and hence we have only twooptions to consider. The second optioncan easily be achieved by improving`Traditional and ComplementaryMedicine` (TCM) or `Complementaryand Alternative Medicine` (CAM).The first option is the best way <strong>of</strong>integrating <strong>Islamic</strong> and modernmedicine and poses a great challenge toall Muslim medical scholars.Training <strong>of</strong> health care providers - An<strong>Islamic</strong> perspective:Referring back to figure 1, the training <strong>of</strong>health care providers should encompassall the three domains <strong>of</strong> educationi.e. Attitude (Affective domain),Knowledge (Cognitive domain) andskills (Psychomotor domain). How<strong>Islamic</strong> input may affect these domainsis discussed below.<strong>FIMA</strong> <strong>Year</strong><strong>Book</strong> <strong>2009</strong>36

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