FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations


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The Conceptfalsehood, obscenity and corruption.Seek remedy (24) :The injunctions <strong>of</strong> the Glorious Qur’anand Sunnah <strong>of</strong> the Prophet (PBUH) toseek remedy from ailments, constitute asystem in medical care and research.Let us study the implications <strong>of</strong> oneProphetic Hadith:“ For every disease there is a cure” or itsother version “seek remedy, for verify,Allah has not created a disease withoutproviding its cure...”. (25)First: There is an injunction to seek curefrom illnesses.Second: There must be well trainedand qualified medical practitioners toprovide medical care.Third: All diseases, including lethal ones,or diseases considered incurable in ourcurrent level <strong>of</strong> knowledge, have curableremedies which are unknown to us at thepresent point in time. Allah (SWT), thesource <strong>of</strong> all knowledge, has not revealedthem to us yet. We need to exert moreefforts <strong>of</strong> research, perseverance andmental process to discover their cure.A medical student nurtured with thisattitude <strong>of</strong> openness, research anddiscovery as an integral part <strong>of</strong> his faith,will grow and develop into the practitioneror researcher, that the Muslim society,and humanity at large needs.Bioethics:<strong>Medical</strong> bioethics is the application <strong>of</strong>recognized principles and standardsin making decisions towards medicalpractice and research.The last decades have witnessed majorscientific and medical achievementsand breakthroughs, with significant,unprecedented influences on human lifeand health.Across the world, complicated ethical,religious, social and legal implicationshave arisen.Ethical councils and organizations havebeen established worldwide, whichrecognized standards that regulatemedical and research behavior.The flood <strong>of</strong> non-ethical conduct,together with the influences <strong>of</strong>globalization and big business onmedical practice and research havecreated major bioethical challenges tothe scientific fraternity.In most <strong>Islamic</strong> countries, medicalinstitutions lack sound curricula onbioethics and biomedical jurisprudence.Past Muslim jurists had pioneeringroles in bioethical issues derivedfrom <strong>Islamic</strong> Jurisprudence. They hadcomprehensively addressed all medicalissues and developments <strong>of</strong> their times.Virtually all medical issues wereaddressed by jurists over the extendedcenturies <strong>of</strong> <strong>Islamic</strong> scientific civilization.Over the past 3-4 decades it was noteworthyto witness the close collaboration andunderstanding between jurists and expertsin medical-scientific issues.We currently have a considerable<strong>FIMA</strong> <strong>Year</strong><strong>Book</strong> <strong>2009</strong>79

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