FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations


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Clinicians As Effective ResearchersIntroductionIn December 2006, I was asked to helpdevelop the research program at KingFahd <strong>Medical</strong> City (KFMC), a newtertiary care hospital in Riyadh, SaudiArabia, consisting <strong>of</strong> four hospitals— general, rehabilitation, women’s,children’s — staffed by pr<strong>of</strong>essionalsfrom all parts <strong>of</strong> the world. As I beganto establish the institutional reviewboard (IRB) and plant the seeds fora research enterprise, some <strong>of</strong> thefrequently heard responses were: “Whybother doing research in a clinicallyoriented hospital devoted to patientcare?” “We are clinically oriented anddo not have the expertise or know-howto do meaningful research.” “We donot have the time.” “We already have ajob.” “Give me the space and staff and Iwill do the research.” I could add manymore comments to the ones listed.As I began to ponder the strategy todevelop and answer some <strong>of</strong> thesereal concerns, I reflected on my ownexperience in the United States, whereafter basic medical training in Kashmir,with no experience in research, I endedup, unplanned I might add, doing a fairamount <strong>of</strong> clinical research. Over a twodecade period, the research resultedin substantial grants and publications,including some original observations.I reflected on the studies that resultedin grants totaling more than U.S. $2.5million from the National Institutes<strong>of</strong> Health (NIH), World HealthOrganization (WHO), AmericanLung Association, and pharmaceuticalsponsors. Additionally, as chair <strong>of</strong>medicine at Nassau County <strong>Medical</strong>Center in New York, my departmentreceived an additional $4 million ingrants for the state’s primary careupweighting program and the HIV/AIDS Designated Center.As I shared my experience with theinterested staff at KFMC, the interestslowly started to blossom. One <strong>of</strong> themost popular presentations I madeat KFMC and other institutions was“Clinicians as Effective Researchers.” Inthis article, I will briefly outline the keycharacteristics <strong>of</strong> a successful clinicalresearcher, relying heavily upon mypersonal experience. Clinicians needa supportive environment within theinstitution and also a country thatunderstands and invests in research anddevelopment with the anticipation <strong>of</strong>long-term benefits for the community.The institutional and national prioritieswill not be addressed in detail in thisarticle.Individual’s RoleThe key element needed in a researcheris curiosity. The researcher should notbe afraid to ask questions and shouldbe willing to follow through and takechances. A few historical examples willbring home this point:Werner ForssmannIn 1929, Werner Forssmann, 25-yearoldintern from Germany, had beendeeply impressed by a sketch in hisphysiology textbook showing a French<strong>FIMA</strong> <strong>Year</strong><strong>Book</strong> <strong>2009</strong>128

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