FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations


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Inculcating <strong>Islamic</strong> Inputmentioning items like honey and plantsas a medium <strong>of</strong> healing,“Then eat <strong>of</strong> all fruits, and follow theways <strong>of</strong> your Lord, made smooth (foryou). There comes forth from their belliesa drink divers <strong>of</strong> hues, wherein is healingfor mankind. Lo! herein is indeed aportent for people who reflect”. (19) .“Then We cast him on a desert shorewhile he was sick; and We caused a tree<strong>of</strong> gourd to grow above him.” (20) .The spiritual component is described bymentioning the Qur’an as a medium <strong>of</strong>healing,“We send down (stage by stage) in theQur’an that which is a healing and amercy to those who believe... “ (21)“O mankind! There has come unto you anexhortation from your Lord, a balm forthat which is in the breasts, a guidanceand a mercy for believers.” (22)This same philosophy was alsoacknowledged by the Prophet Ibrahim,“and when I am ill, it is He who curesme” (23)God Himself attests to it by saying“If God touches you with an affliction, noone can remove it but He” (24) .“And verily, if you should ask them: whocreated the heavens and the earth? theywill say: Allah. Say: think you then <strong>of</strong>those you worship beside Allah, if Allahwilled some hurt for me, could theyremove from me His hurt; or if He willedsome mercy for me, could they restrainHis mercy? Say: Allah is my all. In Himdo (all) the trusting put their trust.” (25)God has also described the way to getrelief from sufferings,“And your Lord has said: pray unto Meand I will hear your prayer. Lo! thosewho scorn My service, they will enter hell,disgraced.” (26)The Qur’an categorizes the causes <strong>of</strong>diseases into physical, evils, magical andpsychological causes.“Say: I seek refuge in the Lord <strong>of</strong> thedaybreak: from the evil <strong>of</strong> that whichHe created; from the evil <strong>of</strong> the darknesswhen it is intense, and from the evil <strong>of</strong>malignant witchcraft, and from the evil<strong>of</strong> the envier when he envies.” (27)The Qur’an also describes the basicphilosophy <strong>of</strong> illness,“Who so does right it is for his soul, andwho so does wrong it is against it. Andyour Lord is not at all a tyrant to Hisslaves” (28)“Whatever <strong>of</strong> misfortune strikes you; it iswhat your right hands have earned. AndHe forgives much. “ (29) .These verses clearly suggest that certaindeeds <strong>of</strong> man cause illness and sufferingand thus the Qur’an highlights the role<strong>of</strong> preventive medicine because if manknows that certain acts <strong>of</strong> him can causeillness he can try to avoid those acts andcan prevent illness as well.The Qur’an also describes the basicmechanism which leads to illness i.e. allexcesses.“Know that the life <strong>of</strong> this world is onlyplay, and idle talk, and pageantry, andboasting among you and rivalry in respect<strong>FIMA</strong> <strong>Year</strong><strong>Book</strong> <strong>2009</strong>34

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