FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

FIMA Year Book 2009 - Federation of Islamic Medical Associations


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Quality Assuranceedge knowledge in his specialty. Qualityresearch addressing the requirements<strong>of</strong> society should be based on a strategicplan detailing what is to be achievedwithin the next 2, 5, or 10 or 20 years.The research should be attractive and <strong>of</strong>great interest and value. Even though itmay be simple but, if it is focused andwell designed, it can still yield usefulresults. Outcome <strong>of</strong> research must bemonitored by committees <strong>of</strong> peersand research output shall be judgedfor each individual faculty member aswell as for the faculty as a whole. Thefaculty should have a well representedand empowered research ethicscommittee. Research publicationsmust be periodically evaluated andthose having good impact on teachingand learning, as well as patient care,must be rewarded by all possiblemeans. Faculty members should beasked to present their research findingsat all possible levels both nationally andinternationally.In the <strong>Islamic</strong> reference, research is anintegral part <strong>of</strong> life <strong>of</strong> every Muslim,irrespective <strong>of</strong> his/ her pr<strong>of</strong>ession or job:”Verily! In the creation <strong>of</strong> the heavens andthe earth, and in the alternation <strong>of</strong> nightand day, there are indeed signs for men<strong>of</strong> understanding. Those who rememberAllah (always, and in prayers) standing,sitting, and lying down on their sides,and think deeply about the creation <strong>of</strong>the heavens and the earth, (saying):“Our Lord! You have not created (all)this without purpose, glory to You!(Exalted are You above all that theyassociate with You as partners). Give ussalvation from the torment <strong>of</strong> the Fire (26) .In other verses it has been emphasizedwhy it is essential for Muslim scholarsto indulge into research. Those whoare knowledgeable and those who donot acquire knowledge are never equalaccording to Qur’an. “If you don’t knowask those who know“ (27) . “For everynews there is a reality and you will cometo know” (28)Graduate- Alumni follow upThe most important indicator <strong>of</strong>the quality <strong>of</strong> a medical educationalsystem is the product (graduates).After graduation they take knowledgeand skills learned to the outside world.Their job performance and characterreflects, to a maximum extent, thequality <strong>of</strong> education they received.Thus a faculty <strong>of</strong> medicine shouldfollow up and trace its graduates t<strong>of</strong>ind out their performance in practicallife. This tracing and evaluation can bedone through designed questionnairesor through electronic communicationand even via telephone.Students and staff exchange programsExchange <strong>of</strong> faculty among like-mindedfaculties, regionally and globally, forshort periods as well as for electives<strong>of</strong> students and refresher courses forteachers, will also maintain the qualityin a teaching facility. The students canjoin classes in other faculties and thelecturers can give lectures in otherfaculties. In the process they get to drawcomparisons with other faculties. They<strong>FIMA</strong> <strong>Year</strong><strong>Book</strong> <strong>2009</strong>165

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