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94 Panel 2ConceptThe theme and title of the exhibition was“Refugees of Future Cities”. In this time oftransition, many people envision cities in termsof master planning. In the future, this may meansome people end up as “refugees” from suchlocations. Everyone has the potential to be such arefugee.The exhibition aimed to encourage ways toconsider critical issues around the livingenvironment. The concept of “refugee” in thiscontext was not a negative one. Rather a refugeesuggested a person who was seeking positiveaction for survival and who was searching fornew possibilities. The exhibition title sent amessage that everybody should aim for aproductive existence, rather than being aconsumer.AimA main aim of the exhibition was to provide apublic platform to share and discuss the diversepossibilities of urban living in a kampung. Theexhibition was divided into sections onarchitecture, design and art. Each divisionoffered activities such as exhibitions, performingarts, movie screenings, design workshops andconferences. The exhibition was structured toopen up lengthy and comprehensive discussionamong stakeholders. This was also a trial to linkurban kampung systems to other public andsocial activities.SiteThree kampung were selected as exhibition sites.Each faced different critical issues in relation tothe current master-planning taking place in thistransition era in Surabaya. The public wasinvited through various activities to considerthese problems as their problem.SystemEach exhibition was programmed as a microprojectin the kampung. Each exhibition wasindependent, but had a certain connection withthe others.Stakeholders/ParticipantsFrom the preparation stage to the end of theexhibition project, diverse stakeholders andparticipants cooperated. Participants came fromSurabaya and all over Indonesia.ImpactParticipants realized that the quality of theexhibition would depend on the degree of theirparticipation. They recognized their capacity tofind the “hidden problems” of a city, if they weresufficiently committed. This interactiveexperience should be considered as amethodology to develop an ideal social andphysical city environment.Figure 12: A Bukan-Cafe (Not-Cafe) was constructed at Kampung Lemah Putro, through cooperative work by local residents anduniversity students from ITS and UBAYA.The Work of the 2010/2011 API Fellows

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