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POTENTIAL OF LOCAL KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICES:A POSSIBILITY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT?999grand hotels includes Raffles in Singapore, the Strand inRangoon and the Eastern and Oriental in Penang.A documentary film was produced by students from ITSDESPRO which explains the work of participants in theexhibition “Refugees of Future Cities”.http://vimeo.com/2771698910 During the process, the issues below were recognized asproblems to be overcome:1: Paradox of alternative methodologyWhen an alternative methodology is developed which aimsto replace master planning, there is always a risk that thealternative plan would become another case of masterplanningshould the plan put too much emphasis oneconomic efficiency. How can we solve this risk?2: Ambivalent informationMeasurable data will be needed for any kind of urbanplanning. Immeasurable data, such as the experience andmemory of residents, is also important. Architects and urbanplanners must balance these two types of information. Howwe can operationalize this kind of decision-making?3: Value of inefficiencyMainly because of economic reasons and time issues, a“platform/network” approach is often likely to be turneddown. Yet master planning often incurs unexpected costs andgenerates complaints, down the road. Thus it is difficult andtime-consuming to evaluate the “best” kind of planning, evenfrom a strictly economic stance. How can the “inefficiency”of the alternative approach be understood as a suitable toolfor urban planning?REFERENCESAlexander, Christopher. 1965. A City is Not a Tree.Architectural Forum.Calle, Sophie. 1999. Double Game. With the participation ofPaul Auster. Violette Editions.Jakobs, Jane. 1961. The Death and Life of Great American Cities,Vintage Books.Kishi, Kenta. March 10, 2011. Meta-Kampung: The ThirdConcept of Sustainability. Plenary speech at InternationalConference on Creative Industry 2011, Bali, Indonesia.http://icci2011.wordpress.com/Koolhaas, Rem. April 03, 2009. Sustainability: advancement vs.apocalypse. Keynote lecture at Ecological Urbanism Conference,Harvard University. http://www.oma.eu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=132&Itemid=25Le Corbusier. 1922. A Contemporary City of Three MillionInhabitants (Ville Contemporaine). Unrealized plan of urbandevelopment.Poster of Camp-on Kampung Exhibition “Refugees of FutureCities” can be downloaded from this link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3037653/refugees-of-future-cities.pdfYamasaki, Minoru. 1954. Pruitt–Igoe Housing Project. Urbanredevelopment project.ITS DESPRO (Department of Industrial Design Product,Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) http://www.its.ac.id/en/despro.phpUBAYA DMP (Program Desain dan Manajemen Produk,Universitas Surabaya) http://ubaya.ac.id/courses/pk_dmp/0/Program-Desain-dan-Manajemen-Produk.htmlWEB AND MEDIA SOURCESculture360. 2011.Refugees of Future Cities. Web magazinehttp://culture360.<strong>org</strong>/event/refugee-of-future-cities-surabayaexhibition/fold this.. 2011.Camp-on Kampung Exhibition. Web magazinehttp://foldmagazine.com/event/camp-on-kampung-exhibition/Indonesia Kreatif. 2011. Web magazineRefugees of Future Citieshttp://www.indonesiakreatif.net/index.php/id/event/read/refugees-of-future-citiesJawa Pos. 2011. Metropolitan sectionApril 04, April 24 and May 02, 2011Prastyo, Eddy. 2011. Suara Surabaya. Web magazinePeneliti Jepang 9 Bulan Blusukan Kampung Surabaya (April 03,2011)http://kelanakota.suarasurabaya.net/?id=d75e6b3628622670f34d54cbbcc4300d201190918Kampung Jadi Benteng Terakhir Kota Surabaya (April 04, 2011)http://kelanakota.suarasurabaya.net/?id=d75e6b3628622670f34d54cbbcc4300d201190926whiteboard journal. 2011. Web magazineRefugees of Future Citieshttp://whiteboardjournal.com/news/event/refugees-of-futurecities.htmlACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis project could not have been conducted without strongteamwork by local participants and stakeholders. KumaraSadana, Pandu Utomo and Bintang Putra were the localdirectors during the whole process. My appreciation also goes toresidents of kampungs Malang Kulon, Plampitan, Lemah Putro,Tambak Bayan and all the other kampung. Lastly, I would like tothank staff and students from UBAYA DMP, and students,lecturers and Mr. Baroto Tavip Indrojarwo (Head of IndustrialDesign Department) at ITS DESPRO, a counterpart of thisproject.The Work of the 2010/2011 API Fellows

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