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150 Panel 416 Chiesa A, Serretti A. Mindfulness-based stress reduction forstress management in healthy people: a review and metaanalysis.Journal of Alternative and ComplementaryMedicine. 2009 May;15(5):593-600.17 For discussions on the mechanisms of the health benefits ofyogic practices, see: Kuntsevich V, Bushell WC, Theise ND.Mechanisms of yogic practices in health, aging, and disease.Mt Sinai J Med. 2010 Sep-Oct;77(5):559-6918 A recent study has been published on the effects of a threemonthmeditation retreat, increasing telomerase activity inretreat participants versus control subjects: Jacobs TL, EpelES, Lin J, Blackburn EH, Wolkowitz OM, Bridwell DA,Zanesco AP, Aichele SR, Sahdra BK, MacLean KA, King BG,Shaver PR, Rosenberg EL, Ferrer E, Wallace BA, Saron CD.Intensive meditation training, immune cell telomeraseactivity, and psychological mediators.Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2011 Jun;36(5):664-8. Epub2010 Oct 29.19 The website of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute,founded by Dr. Dean Ornish who is a pioneer in the area ofintegrating mindfulness practices in health care, is at: http://www.pmri.<strong>org</strong>/20 The Benson-Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicinefounded by Harvard University Professor Emeritus Dr.Herbert Benson integrates mindfulness practices withmainstream Western medicine.See: http://www.massgeneral.<strong>org</strong>/bhi/about/21 The online group Mindfulness in Education Network wasinspired by the work of the Vietnamese Zen monk and peaceactivist Thich Nhat Hanh. See the website at: http://www.mindfuled.<strong>org</strong>/22 The website of the Association for Mindfulness in Educationis at: http://www.mindfuleducation.<strong>org</strong>/23 Case studies on mindfulness in educational settings arechronicled here: http://www.mindfulnet.<strong>org</strong>/page7.htm24 The website of Mindful Schools in California, USA. http://www.mindfulschools.<strong>org</strong>/25 The mindful leadership training program of the Center forMindfulness in Health Care, Medicine and Society: http://www.umassmed.edu/cfm/leadership/index.aspxREFERENCESArmstrong, Karen. 2000. Buddha. USA: Phoenix (paperbackedition)Armstrong, Karen. 2006. The Great Transformation: TheBeginning of Our Religious Traditions. Alfred A. Knopf /Random HouseCarroll, Michael. 2007. The Mindful Leader: Awakening YourNatural Management Skills through Mindfulness Meditation.USA: Trumpeter Books.Desikachar, T.K.V. 1995. The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali (Part III).In The Heart of Yoga. 143 – 215. Rochester, Vermont: InnerTraditions International.Didonna, Fabrizi (editor). 2009. Clinical Handbook ofMindfulness. New York, U.S.A.: Springer.Epel, Elissa, J. Daubenmier , J.T. Moskowitz, S. Folkman, and E.Blackburn. 2009. Can Meditation Slow Rate of Cellular Aging?Cognitive Stress, Mindfulness, and Telomeres in: Longevity,Regeneration, and Optimal Health: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1172:34–53 (2009).doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04414.x C 2009 New YorkAcademy of Sciences. p. 35Fontana, David and Ingrid Slack. 2007. Teaching Meditation toChildren: The Practical Guide to the Use and Benefits ofMeditation Techniques. U.K.: Watkins Publishing.Fox, Mathew. 1999. Introduction: A Species WantingAttention. In Sins of the Spirit, Strengths of the Flesh. New York:Three Rivers Press.Gunaratana, Venerable Henepola. 1992 Mindfulness in PlainEnglish. Wisdom Publications. (http://www.vipassana.com/meditation/mindfulness_in_plain_english.php_ )Kabat-Zinn, Jon. 1990. Full Catastrophe Living: Using theWisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness.USA: Bantam Dell (Random House)Odier, Daniel. 1986. Nirvana Tao: The Secret MeditationTechniques of the Taoist and Buddhist Masters. USA: InnerTraditions.Ravindra, Ravi. 2006. Yoga in the Yoga Sutra and the BhagavadGita. In The Spiritual Roots of Yoga: The Royal Path to Freedom.45 – 100. Canada: Morning Light Press.Santina, Peter Della. 1999. Tree of Enlightenment: AnIntroduction to the Major Traditions of Buddhism. Yin ShunFoundation. Available at http://peterdellasantina.<strong>org</strong>/books/tree_of_enlightenment.htm.Shoeberlein, Deboraha and Suki Sheth. 2009. Mindful Teachingand Teaching Mindfulness: A Guide for Anyone Who TeachesAnything. Boston, USA: Wisdom Publications.Shapiro, Shauna L. and Linda E. Carlson. 2009. The Art andScience of Mindfulness: Integrating Mindfulness into Psychologyand the Helping Professions. Washington, DC, USA: AmericanPsychological Association.Siegel, Ronald D., Christopher K. Germer, and AndrewOlendzki. 2009. Mindfulness: What Is it? Where Did It ComeFrom? In Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness, ed. FabrizioDidonna, 17 – 35.USA: Springer.Sujiva 2000. Essentials of Insight Meditation (A PragmaticApproach to Vipassana). Malaysia: Buddhist Wisdom Centre.The Work of the 2010/2011 API Fellows

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