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242 Panel 5789College is unique because it has a close relationship with theSchool of International Studies at Peking University inChina; students in the program are required to spend at leastone semester abroad at Peking University; and the coursesoffered by the Chinese Studies International Program atThammasat are equivalent to courses offered at PekingUniversity,Most of the so-called Rajabhat Universities in Thailand weredeveloped from the former Rajabhat Institutes, whichbelonged to the provincial teacher college system.Interviews with Prof. Cen Rong Lin, Co-Director of theConfucius Institute at the Mae Fah Luang University,August 15, 2011.Information carved on the stone stele unveiled as part of theopening ceremony of the Confucius Center in Mae FahLuang University informs that the 60 million-baht centerwas a gift from the Government of the People’s Republic ofChina, constructed by engineers and craftsmen from Yunnanprovince, based on plans by a Sichuanese architect.10 According to Prof. Cen Rong Lin, CI Director at Mae FahLuang University, the Chinese language training program atthe CI of Mae Fah Luang University is of four years duration.Students who graduate from this program are awarded aBachelor’s degree. This is different from the training programoffered by other CI, which aim to provide short courses ofthree to six months only (interviews with Prof. Cen RongLin, August 15, 2011).REFERENCESChan Kwok Bun, Tong Chee Kiong.1993. RethinkingAssimilation & Ethnicity: The Chinese in Thailand.International Migration Review, Vol.2, Spring 1993.Chey, Jocelyn, 2008. Chinese “Soft Power” – Diplomacy andThe Confucius Institute podcast, Sydney Papers Vol. 20 No. 1,pp. 33-48.China Confucius Institute, 2011 An Introduction on theConfucius Institute at National University of Laos http://www.cnconfucius.cn/institution/hanban/confuciusclass/2011-01-07/444.html (Accessed 1 July 2012).Traimit High School News. 2010 Brief Introduction onConfucius Classroom in Traimit High School. http://english.chinese.cn/confuciusinstitute/article/2010-12/03/content_340897.htm (Accessed 1 July 2012)Confucius Institute (Hanban), 2010. Introduction to theConfucius Institutes; http://english.hanban.<strong>org</strong>/node_10971.htm (Accessed 1 July 2012).Confucius Institute Volunteer Center, 2010. The 2010 ThaiVolunteer Chinese Teachers’ Living & Working ConditionsFact-Finding Meeting Convenes in Bangkok; 2010-July-14.Economist, 2009. A message from Confucius. New ways ofprojecting soft power; http://www.economist.com/node/14678507 Oct 22. (Accessed 1 July 2012)Hà Giang, 2009. tử tại Nên Việt hay Nam không [Should nên thành a Confucius lập Học Institute viện Khổng beestablished in Vietnam? RFA Interviews with Dr. NguyenThanh Liem]. http://www.rfa.<strong>org</strong>/vietnamese; 2009-04-19.Hanban, 2009. Confucius Institute at Fuxing School Myanmarhttp://;jsessionid=416574528F33911889D6B29B5693232D(Accessed 1 July 2012).Hanu (University of Hanoi City), 2008. Ký kết biên bản ghi nhớthành lập học viện Khổng Tử [MOU signing ceremony onestablishment of Confucius Institute], http://www.hanu.vn/He, Qinglian, 2009. “Soft Power” with Chinese CharacteristicsIs Changing the World”; http://www.hrichina.<strong>org</strong>/crf/article/3175 (Accessed 1 July 2012)Khon Kaen University, 2010. The Vice President for Academicand International Affairs selected an individual withperformance excellence http://kkuinter.kku.ac.th/2010/index.php/news/1-latest-news/150-the-vice-president-foracademic-and-international-affairs-selected-an-individual-withperformance-excellence-(Accessed 1 July 2012)Koh, Tommy, 2011. “21 st Century: China and the World”; in:China in the Next 30 years;http://www.spp.nus.edu.sg/ips/docs/pub/pa_tk_21st%20Century%20China%20and%20the%20World_11.pdf (Accessed 1 July 2012)Kriengsak, 2008. Promote Chinese Studies: Develop theRelationship between Thailand and China http://blog.nationmultimedia.com/print.php?id=5017 (Accessed 1July 2012)McDowell, Adam, 2010. “Are China’s Confucius Institutes inCanada culture clubs or spy outposts”. In: National Post, Friday,Jul. 9, 2010, Canada.Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Thailand (MOE ofThailand), 2006. 2006 Framework of Cooperation Between theChina National Office for Teaching Chinese as a ForeignLanguage (Hanban) and the Ministry of Education of theKingdom of Thailand (MOE of Thailand) on the cooperationin Chinese Language Teaching. http://www.bic.moe.go.th/th/images/stories/MOU/framework/th-hanbaneng.pdf (Accessed1 July 2012)Nye, Joseph S. 2005. “The Rise of China’s Soft Power”, WallStreet Journal Asia, December 29, 2005; http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/publication/1499/rise_of_chinas_soft_power.html (Accessed 1 July 2012)Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission (OCAC), 2005. TheRanking of Ethnic Chinese Population around the world; http://www.ocac.gov.tw (Accessed 1 July 2012)The Work of the 2010/2011 API Fellows

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