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Untitled - Api-fellowships.org

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266Muslim Women in Public Spheres: From Historical Narratives to Roles in the 21 stCenturySubhatra BhumiprabhasThe paper explores the situation of Muslim women in public spheres in Indonesia. It focuses on the roles andexperiences of female journalists in the country, including in Aceh where shari’ah law is applied. Images ofMuslim women as depicted in the media, and within Indonesian feminist perspectives, are examined. Femalejournalists interviewed for the paper articulate views and personal experiences that challenge many stereotypicalimages of Muslim women as seen in the media and in other arenas. The paper also touches briefly on stereotypicalimages of Muslim women in Thailand’s deep south as “dependent” and “vulnerable” and as “peace builders”.The Work of the 2010/2011 API Fellows

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