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10.3 Evaluation1) Kum Leng Chin, Jie Lu, Jun Xu, Jitian Xiao, Juan Yao (2009), Cross culturesteaching <strong>and</strong> learning: Some preliminary findings of an ALTC project.Presented at <strong>Teaching</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Learning</strong> Forum 2009, Curtin University ofTechnology, 29-30 January 20092) Kum Leng Chin, Jie Lu, Jun Xu, Jitian Xiao, Juan Yao (2009), Cross-culturallearning <strong>and</strong> teaching in Australian universities. Presented at 34thInternational Conference on Improving University <strong>Teaching</strong> (IUT),Vancouver, Canada, 14 – 17 July, 20093) Jie Lu, Juan Yao, KL Chin, Jitian Xiao, Jun Xu (2007) Survey analysis oncross culture learning, UTS <strong>Teaching</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Learning</strong> Forum Program, 14 Nov.2007.4) Kum Leng Chin, Lu. J, Juan Yao, Jun Xu, Jitian Xiao (2008), Strategies <strong>and</strong>approaches to teaching <strong>and</strong> learning across cultures. Presented at ALTCworkshop: Investigating the efficacy of culturally specific academic literacy<strong>and</strong> academic honesty resources <strong>for</strong> Chinese students. Victoria University,Melbourne, 29 August 2008.5) Jie Lu, KL Chin, Juan Yao, Jun Xu, Jitian Xiao (2009), Cross-culturalteaching <strong>and</strong> learning methodology analysis <strong>for</strong> asian students in australianuniversities accepted by International Academic Conference on Innovation in<strong>Teaching</strong> <strong>and</strong> Management of High Education (ICITM 2009), 22-24 Dec.2009, Malaysia.6) Jie Lu, KL Chin, Juan Yao, Jun Xu, Jitian Xiao (2010), Cross-culturaleducation: learning methodology <strong>and</strong> behavior analysis <strong>for</strong> Asian students inIT field of Australian universities, accepted by Twelfth AustralasianComputing Education Conference (ACE2010), Brisbane, Australia; 18-22January 2010.7) Jitian Xiao, Jie Lu, KL Chin, Juan Yao, Jun Xu (2010), Challenges <strong>and</strong>strategies in teaching first-year Asian international students in Australianuniversities, accepted by Twelfth Australasian Computing EducationConference (ACE2010), Brisbane, Australia; 18-22 January 2010.8) Jitian XIAO;Jie Lu;KL Chin;Jun Xu;Juan Yao (2010) Cross-cultural learningchallenges <strong>and</strong> teaching strategies <strong>for</strong> first-year Asian students in Australianuniversities, submitted to CSEDU 2010 (International Conference onComputer Supported Education) which will be held in Valencia, Spain nextyear, on 7 - 10 April, 2010.We undertook the <strong>for</strong>mative evaluation in two ways. One was the evaluation donewithin the team; the other was conducted outside the team by experts. Within theteam, <strong>for</strong> example, during the design of the questionnaires, team members firstdesigned the questions, <strong>and</strong> then all others revised the questionnaires via emailbaseddiscussions <strong>and</strong> online document exchange. We also obtained feedback fromoutside the team to improve the outcome of the project in the following ways:• Evaluated by expertsAn expert in cross-cultural teaching <strong>and</strong> learning, Dr. Helen Lu from UTS, readthrough the report <strong>and</strong> wrote an evaluation report (attached).Experts from the Technology & Education Design & Development Research (TEDD)Lab <strong>and</strong> the ELSSA Centre at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) providedfeedback to this project.151

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