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uses its academic words. It helps improve my language”. One student said that helearned key in<strong>for</strong>mation on the subject from textbooks.(7) Do you think it’s important that a textbook emphasises theory?There were 13 students who thought that textbooks should emphasise theory, while6 students believed that both theory <strong>and</strong> practical examples should be emphasised.One student said it should vary according to the degree. He said, “It really dependson what subject you are studying <strong>and</strong> what level of study you are doing. If you arejust doing a Bachelor Degree in simpler subjects then theory can be quite daunting<strong>for</strong> your students but if you are at post-graduate level doing research, then theory isimportant”.(8) Do you think reading the textbook is a very important learning exercise?There were 14 students who thought reading the textbook is very important <strong>for</strong> theirlearning. For example, one student said, “Yes at all levels. Undergraduate is evenmore important. Be<strong>for</strong>e you go to class you are supposed to read your textbookotherwise you will not know what is going on”. Four students said this shoulddepend on whether the textbook has enough practical examples. Three studentssaid reading the textbook is not important.5.1.2 <strong>Teaching</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Learning</strong> Methods(1) Which teaching methods have you come across that you find are most effective?Students’ answers to this question varied significantly. We can summarise that goodteaching methods must pay attention to the interaction <strong>and</strong> communication betweenlecturers <strong>and</strong> students. For example, one student said, “I think it is the best when thelecturer explains to the students <strong>and</strong> gives them a chance to underst<strong>and</strong>. Practicein class is very important to do every week, I know it takes a lot of time but it is veryimportant to us. I think we need to review our work in class too as that is veryimportant to students”. Another student commented, “I think when the lecturer is justsaying what is on the slides then it’s boring. I also don’t like presentations”.(2) Can you tell me which teaching methods you have come across are the leasteffective?Once again, students’ answers to this question varied. For example, one studentsaid, “I think when the lecturer is just saying what is on the slides because studentscan read it by themselves; we don't need someone to read it <strong>for</strong> us”. Another said,“The least effective teaching method <strong>for</strong> me is class discussion as I do not likespeaking too much in class”.(3) Do you think that there should be different teaching methods <strong>for</strong> Australian <strong>and</strong>international students?Four students said different teaching methods should be applied to local <strong>and</strong>international students. For example, one of them said, “Definitely yes, because theyare so different”. However, sixteen students said it is unnecessary. For example,one of them said, “I don’t think so because the international students should havethe same method because they can then learn more”.(4) Do you ask many questions in class?Five students said they often asked questions in class. For example, one studentsaid, “Yes, I do… If I need the teacher to clarify, I will ask, or if I have a differentopinion to the teacher I will…” Twelve students said they don’t often ask questions inclass, <strong>for</strong> example, one of them said, “I do not like to ask any questions, because ingeneral Chinese students prefer to keep silent in class …” Three students said itdepends on the topic: they will ask questions if they are interested in it.(5) Do you think that students should be given more opportunity to ask questions in73

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