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Download Document - Office for Learning and Teaching

Download Document - Office for Learning and Teaching


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Australia is the environment (11.06%). There are 2 comments (7.69% from 26comments) from students at Edith Cowan University, 3 comments (11.54%) fromCurtin University, 4 comments (15.38%) from Southern Cross University, 6comments (23.07%) from the University of Sydney <strong>and</strong> 11 comments (42.3%) fromthe University of Technology Sydney. Figure 4.9 indicates the distribution of thesecomments.Figure 4.9 Differences in Environment indicated by postgraduate studentsThe textbook-related issue is also one of the main differences (19 comments fromfive different universities (8.08%)). Many students from the University of Sydneyclaim that textbooks in Australia are very expensive, as can be seen from 6comments (31.58%) given by students.Students also feel that the assignment methods in Australia are very different fromtheir home countries. This can be seen from 19 comments which postgraduatestudents gave in response to the question.The 3 other main differences that students consider to be main differences aresocial communication (16 comments), university regulation (13 comments), <strong>and</strong>cross-cultural differences (6 comments). For example, one student from theUniversity of Sydney states that language differences sometimes lead tomisunderst<strong>and</strong>ing in communication. There are 4 other comments (25%) fromstudents who study at Edith Cowan University, 3 comments (18.75%) from CurtinUniversity <strong>and</strong> 9 comments (56.25%) from the University of Sydney which explainthe social communication differences between the students’ home countries <strong>and</strong>Australian universities. For university regulation, there are 6 comments (46.15%)from Edith Cowan University, 3 comments (23.08%) from Curtin University, 2comments (15.38%) from Southern Cross University, <strong>and</strong> 1 comment (7.69%) eachfrom the University of Sydney <strong>and</strong> University of Technology Sydney in relation tothis issue. For cross-cultural differences, there are 2 comments (33.33%) fromCurtin University <strong>and</strong> 4 comments (66.67%) from the University of Sydney. Studentsfrom the University of Sydney state that there is a big culture gap between Australia<strong>and</strong> their home countries. Figure 4.10 gives more details about these differences.68

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