Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp

Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp

Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp


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Glossary 359multiplexer device that allows two or more signals to be transmitted simultaneouslyon a single carrier or channelmultiprocessinga computernanometerthe simultaneous execution of two or more instructions by10 –9 meterneural network a collection of independent processing nodes that communicatewith one another in a manner analogous to the human brainNeuron a VLSI component that performs the network and applicationspecificprocessing within a nodeany subassembly of a multiplex system that communicates on the sig-nodenal busnull offsetnull outputthe electrical output present when the sensor is at nullSee zero offsetnull temperature shifttemperaturethe change in null output value due to a change inNyquist rate lowest sampling rate necessary to completely reconstruct a signalwithout distortion due to aliasing; equal to twice the highest frequencycomponent in the signalobjecta collection of data and operationsobject model a definition of data structures and operations organized in aformal specificationobserveroffsetopen loopalgorithm that corrects for variations from the physical modelSee zero offsetsystem with no sensory feedbackoperating impedance the impedance measured between the positive andnegative (ground) output terminals at a specific frequency with the input openoperating temperature range the range of temperature between minimumand maximum temperature at which the output will meet the specified operatingcharacteristicsOSI model the open system interconnect model of the ISO defines aseven-layer model for a data communications network

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