Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp

Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp

Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp


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The Nature of Semiconductor Sensor Output 69previous mechanical sensors, but the physics of the microscale can providealternative solutions that are not possible at the macrolevel.References[1] Carr, J. J., <strong>Sensors</strong> and Circuits, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993.[2] Shankland, E. P., “Piezoresistive Silicon Pressure <strong>Sensors</strong>,” <strong>Sensors</strong>, Aug. 1991, pp. 22–26.[3] Frank, R. K., and W. E. McCulley, “An Update on the Integration of Silicon Pressure<strong>Sensors</strong>,” Wescon/85 Integrated Sensor Technology Session Record 27, San Francisco, 1985,pp. 27/4–1–5.[4] Bitko, G., R. Frank, and A. McNeil, “Improvements From Next-Generation MEMSSensor Design” (to be published).[5] Frank, R., “Designing With Semiconductor Pressure <strong>Sensors</strong>,” Machine Design, Nov. 21,1985, pp. 103–107.[6] Barrett, R., and F. Wicoxon, “Monitoring Vibration With Piezoelectric <strong>Sensors</strong>,” <strong>Sensors</strong>,Aug. 1993, pp. 16–24.[7] Ristic, L., et al., “A Capacitive Type Accelerometer With Self-Test Feature Based on aDouble-Pinned Polysilicon Structure,” Digest of Technical Papers Transducers ’93, Yokohama,June 7–10, 1993, pp. 810–813.[8] Payne, R. S., and K. A. Dinsmore, “Surface Micromachined Accelerometer: A TechnologyUpdate,” SAE P-242 <strong>Sensors</strong> and Actuators, 1991, pp. 127–135.[9] Matroc, M., “An Update on Piezoelectric Ceramic Transducers,” Electronic Design, Oct.26, 1989, p. 119.[10] Halvorsen, D. L., “Piezoelectric Polymer Traffic <strong>Sensors</strong> and the <strong>Smart</strong> Highway,” <strong>Sensors</strong>,Aug. 1992, pp. 10–17.[11] Schiller, P., D. L. Polla, and M. Ghezzo, “Surface Micromachined Piezoelectric Pressure<strong>Sensors</strong>,” Tech. Digest of IEEE Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, Hilton Head, SC,1990, pp. 188–190.[12] Paranjape, M., L. Ristic, and W. Allegretto, “Simulation, Design and Fabrication of a VerticalHall Device for Two-Dimensional Magnetic Field Sensing,” <strong>Sensors</strong> and Materials,Vol. 5, No. 2, 1993, pp. 91–101.[13] Chemical sensor brochure, Microsens, Neuchatel, Switzerland.[14] Brown, C., “Single-Chip Hydrocarbon Sensor Explored,” Electronic Engineering Times,Jan. 15, 1996, p. 41.[15] Middelhoek, S., et al., “<strong>Sensors</strong> With Digital or Frequency Output,” <strong>Sensors</strong> and Actuators,15 (1988), pp. 119–133.

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