Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp

Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp

Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp


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Index4-to 20-mA signal transmitter, 79, 80Adaptive control, 161–63defined, 161in fuzzy logic systems, 161, 162servo-type feedback loop, 161system illustration, 161See also ControlA/D conversionaccuracy, 86, 100accuracy implications, 90–91error implications, 90–91MCU onboard, 99–101processing time considerations, 100quantization error, 86See also Analog-to-digital converters(ADCs)Airplane network, 306Aluminum, 40Amplification, 72–82AmplifiersCMOS, 76instrumentation, 73–75interface, 74SLEEPMODE, 75–76switched-capacitor, 77–78Amplitude shift keying (ASK), 179Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs),7, 87–91, 1108-bit, 8910-bit, 89accuracy, increasing, 89approaches, 71architectures, 88block diagram, 88choice considerations, 89–90as digital controller component, 71dynamic range, 77first-order, 88with internal RC oscillator, 101Nyquist, 87oversampling, 87performance, 89–90power supply, 2resolution, 90second-order, 88types of, 87See also A/D conversionAngular rate sensor, 322Application-specific ICs (ASICs), 93CSICs vs., 103mixed-signal, 94See also Integrated circuits (ICs)ARCNet protocol, 132–33Artificial intelligence, 168–69Associative memory, 165Atomic force microscope probe (AFM),214–15, 216Automated/remote sensing, 301–3375

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