XProtect Express 1.1; Administrator's Manual - Milestone

XProtect Express 1.1; Administrator's Manual - Milestone

XProtect Express 1.1; Administrator's Manual - Milestone


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<strong>Milestone</strong> <strong>XProtect</strong> ® <strong>Express</strong> <strong>1.1</strong><strong>Administrator's</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>DSTDaylight saving time; temporarily advancing ofclocks during the summer so that afternoons havemore daylight and mornings have less.Dual streamSome cameras support two independent streams(which can be sent to the recording server): one forlive viewing and another for playback purposes.Each stream has its own resolution, encoding, andframe rate.Event ServerEA server that stores and handles incoming alarmdata and events from all <strong>XProtect</strong> <strong>Express</strong> servers.The Event Server enables powerful monitoring andprovides an instant overview of alarms and possibletechnical problems within your systems.FisheyeA type of lens that allows the creation and viewingof 360-degree images.FPSFFrames per second—measurement indicating theamount of information contained in a motion video.Each frame represents a still image, but whenframes are displayed in succession, the illusion ofmotion is created. The higher the FPS, thesmoother the motion appears. Note, however, that ahigh FPS may also lead to a large file size whenvideo is saved.Frame rateA measurement indicating the amount of informationcontained in motion video—typically measured inFPS.FTPFile Transfer Protocol—standard for exchangingfiles across the internet. FTP uses the TCP/IPstandards for data transfer and is often used foruploading or downloading files to and from servers.GOPGGroup of pictures; individual frames groupedtogether, forming a video-motion sequence.Grace periodWhen you install <strong>XProtect</strong> <strong>Express</strong>, configure thesystem and add recording servers and cameras,<strong>XProtect</strong> <strong>Express</strong> runs on temporary licenses.These need to be activated before a certain periodends. This is the grace period.GUIDGlobally unique identifier—unique 128-bit numberused to identify components on a Windows system.H.264HA standard for compressing and decompressingvideo data (a codec). H.264 is a relatively recentcodec; it compresses video more effectively thanolder codecs, and it provides more flexibility for usein a variety of network environments.Hardware deviceTechnically speaking, cameras are not added to<strong>XProtect</strong> <strong>Express</strong>, rather to hardware devices. Thisis because hardware devices have their own IPaddresses or host names. Being IP-based, <strong>XProtect</strong><strong>Express</strong> primarily identifies units based on their IPaddresses or host names. Even though eachhardware device has its own IP address or hostname, several cameras, microphones, and so on,can be attached to a single hardware device andshare the same IP address or host name. This istypically the case with cameras attached to videoencoder devices. Each camera, microphone, and soon, can be configured individually, even whenseveral of them are attached to a single hardwaredevice.HostA computer connected to a TCP/IP network. A hosthas its own IP address, but may—depending onnetwork configuration—also have a host name tomake it easily identifiable.www.milestonesys.com 170 Glossary of terms

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