Motorola RAZR V3 Manual - Virgin Media

Motorola RAZR V3 Manual - Virgin Media

Motorola RAZR V3 Manual - Virgin Media

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2. GPRS Indicator – Shows that your phone is032380o using a high-speed General Packet RadioService (GPRS) network connection. GPRSallows faster data transfer speeds. Otherindicators can include:* = GPRS PDPcontext active3. Signal Strength Indicator – Vertical bars show thestrength of the network connection. You cannot makeor receive calls when the no signal indicator ! or notransmit indicator ) is displayed.032380o032380o032380o, = GPRS packetdata available4. Roam Indicator – The roam indicator ãshows when your phone is seeking or usinganother network outside your home network.5. Call Status Indicator – Shows the call statusof your phone. Indicators can include:? = phone in call > = call forward on6. Messaging Presence Indicator – Showswhen AIM ® instant messaging is active. Indicatorscan include:G = AIM activeF =away from AIMWhen a Java application is active, the Java midletindicator ` displays in this location.Learning to Use Your Phone29

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