International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

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120 J. W. Cogdell I. I. Piatetski-Shapiroadmissible representation II <strong>of</strong> GL„ (A) to be automorphic and cuspidal in terms <strong>of</strong>the analytic properties <strong>of</strong> Rankin-Selberg convolution F-functions L(s, II x n') <strong>of</strong> IItwisted by cuspidal representations n' <strong>of</strong> GL TO (A) <strong>of</strong> smaller rank groups.To use Converse Theorems for applications, proving that certain objects areautomorphic, one must be able to show that certain F-functions are "nice". However,essentially the only way to show that an F-function is nice is to have it associatedto an automorphic form. Hence the most natural applications <strong>of</strong> ConverseTheorems are to functoriality, or the lifting <strong>of</strong> automorphic forms, to GL n . Moreexplicit number theoretic applications then come as consequences <strong>of</strong> these liftings.Recently there have been several applications <strong>of</strong> Converse Theorems to establishingfunctorialities. These have been possible thanks to the recent advances inthe Langlands-Shahidi method <strong>of</strong> analysing the analytic properties <strong>of</strong> general automorphicF-functions, due to Shahidi and his collaborators [21]. By combiningour Converse Theorems with their control <strong>of</strong> the analytic properties <strong>of</strong> F-functionsmany new examples <strong>of</strong> functorial liftings to GL„ have been established. These aredescribed in Section 4 below. As one number theoretic consequence <strong>of</strong> these liftingsKim and Shahidi have been able to establish the best general estimates overa number field towards the Ramamujan-Selberg conjectures for GL 2 , which in turnhave already had other applications.2. Converse Theorems for GL nLet k be a global field, A its adele ring, and ip a fixed non-trivial (continuous)additive character <strong>of</strong> A which is trivial on k. We will take n > 3 to be an integer.To state these Converse Theorems, we begin with an irreducible admissiblerepresentation II <strong>of</strong> GL n (A). It has a decomposition II = C^'n^, where n^ is anirreducible admissible representation <strong>of</strong> GL n (fc„). By the local theory <strong>of</strong> Jacquet,Piatetski-Shapiro, and Shalika [9, 11] to each n^ is associated a local F-functionL(s,U v ) and a local e-factor e(s,U v ,ip v ). Hence formally we can formL(s,U) = JJ_L(s,U v ) and e(s,U,ip) = JJ_e(s,U v ,'ip v ).We will always assume the following two things about II:(1) L(s,U) converges in some half plane Re(s) >> 0,(2) the central character un <strong>of</strong> II is automorphic, that is, invariant under k x .Under these assumptions, e(s, II, ip) = e(s, II) is independent <strong>of</strong> our choice <strong>of</strong> ip [4].As in Weil's case, our Converse Theorems will involve twists but now by cuspidalautomorphic representations <strong>of</strong> GL TO (A) for certain m. For convenience, letus set A(m) to be the set <strong>of</strong> automorphic representations <strong>of</strong> GL TO (A), Ao(m) theset <strong>of</strong> (irreducible) cuspidal automorphic representations <strong>of</strong> GL TO (A), and T(m) =UrfLi Ao(d). If S is a finite set <strong>of</strong> places, we will let T s (m) denote the subset <strong>of</strong>representations n £ T with local components n v unramified at all places v £ S andlet Ts(m) denote those n which are unramified for all v $ S.

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