International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

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Free Probability and Combinatorics 771This was first observed by P. Zinn-Justin [25], a pro<strong>of</strong> using representation theoryhasbeen found by B. Collins [6].We have related noncrossing cumulants to usual cumulants via random matrixtheory, we shall see that that noncrossing cumulants are also useful in evaluatingcharacters <strong>of</strong> symmetric groups. The precise relation however is not obvious at firstsight.Let us recall a few facts about irreducible representations <strong>of</strong> symmetric groups.It is well known that they can be parametrized by Young diagrams. In the followingit will be convenient to represent a Young diagram by a function u : R —¥ R suchthat (jj(x) = \x\ for |x| large enough, and a; is a piecewise affine function, with slopes±1, see the following picture which shows the Young diagram corresponding to thepartition 8 = 3 + 2 + 2+1.Xl J/1 X2 y 2 x 3 t/3 XiAlternatively we can encode the Young diagram using the local minima andlocal maxima <strong>of</strong> the function OJ, denoted by xi,..., Xk and 2/1, • • •, 2/fc-i respectively,which form two interlacing sequences <strong>of</strong> integers. These are (-3,-1,2,4) and (-2,1,3)respectively in the above picture. Associated with the Young diagram there is aunique probability measure m w on the real line, such thatR1,(dx)for all z £ C \ R.This probability measure is supported by the set {xi,...,Xk} and is called thetransition measure <strong>of</strong> the diagram, see [8]. Let a denote the conjugacy class in £„<strong>of</strong> a permutation with fc 2 cycles <strong>of</strong> length 2, fc 3 <strong>of</strong> length 3, etc.. Here fc 2 ,fc3,...are fixed while we let n —¥ 00. Denote by Xw the normalized character <strong>of</strong> £„associated with the Young diagram OJ, then the following asymptotic evaluationholds uniformly on the set <strong>of</strong> A-balanced Young diagrams, i.e. those whose longestrow and longest column are less that Ay/n (where A is some constant > 0),xAo-) = f[n- jk >Rf +1 (ou) + 0(r -i-\*\ß\ (4.1)Note that Rk is scaled by A* if we scale the diagram u by a factor A, therefore thefirst term in the right hand side is <strong>of</strong> order 0(n^- , i^+1 ' kj ' 2 ~^- , ' : ' kj ) = 0(n~^^2),

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