International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

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244 P. BiranTheorem E'. Let (M,oj) be a closed Kahler manifold with [OJ] £ H 2 (M;Q) andn 2 (M) = 0. Then for every e > 0 there exists a Lagrangian CW-complex A f _ c(M,(jj) with the following property: every symplectic embedding tp : B 2n (e) —¥ (M,oj)must satisfy Image (ip) n A f _ ^ 0.By a Lagrangian CW-complex we mean a subspace A f _ c M which topologicallyis a CW-complex and the interior <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> its cells is a smoothly embeddeddisc <strong>of</strong> M on which u vanishes.2.4. Methods for studying intersectionsLagrangian intersections. The first systematic study <strong>of</strong> Lagrangian intersectionswas based on the theory <strong>of</strong> generating function [12, 26] (an equivalent theory wasindependently developed in contact geometry [13]). Gromov's theory <strong>of</strong> pseudoholomorphiccurves [22] gave rise to an alternative approach which culminated inwhat is now called Floer theory. Each <strong>of</strong> these theories has its own advantage. Floertheory works in larger generality and seems to have a richer algebraic structure, onthe other hand the theory <strong>of</strong> generating functions leads in some cases to sharperresults (see [20]).Since Floer theory will appear in the sequel, let us outline a few facts aboutit (the reader is referred to the works <strong>of</strong> Floer [16] and <strong>of</strong> Oh [29, 30] for details).Let (M,(jj) be a symplectic manifold and F 0 ,Fi c (M,oj) two Lagrangiansubmanifolds. In "ideal" situations Floer theory assigns to this data an invariantHF(L 0 ,Li). This is a Z2-vector space obtained through an infinite dimensionalversion <strong>of</strong> Morse-Novikov homology performed on the space <strong>of</strong> paths connectingF 0 to L\. The result <strong>of</strong> this theory is a chain complex CF(L 0 ,Li) whose underlyingvector space is generated by the intersection points F 0 fl L\ (one perturbsF 0 ,Fi so their intersection becomes transverse). The homology <strong>of</strong> this complexHF(L 0 ,Li) is called the Floer homology <strong>of</strong> the pair (F 0 ,Fi). The most importantfeature <strong>of</strong> FF(F 0 ,Fi) is its invariance under Hamiltonian isotopies: if L' 0 ,L'iare Hamiltonianly isotopie to F 0 ,Fi respectively, then HF(L' 0 ,L'i) = FF(F 0 ,Fi).From this point <strong>of</strong> view HF(L 0 , L\) can be regarded as a quantitative obstructionfor Hamiltonianly separating F 0 from L\. Indeed, the rank <strong>of</strong> HF(L 0 , L\) is a lowerbound on the number <strong>of</strong> intersection points <strong>of</strong> any pair <strong>of</strong> transversally intersectingLagrangians L' 0 , L\ in the Hamiltonian deformation classes <strong>of</strong> F 0 , L\ respectively.Let us explain the "ideal situations" in which Floer homology is defined. First<strong>of</strong> all there are restrictions on M : due to analytic difficulties manifolds are requiredto be either closed or to have symplectically convex ends (e.g. C", cotangent bundlesor any Stein manifold). More serious restrictions are posed on the Lagrangians. Forsimplicity we describe them only for the case when L\ is Hamiltonianly isotopieto F 0 . From now on we shall write L = L 0 and F' = L\. In Floer's originalsetting [16] the theory was defined under the assumption that the homomorphismA u : n 2 (M,L) —¥ R, defined by D >-¥ f D uj, vanishes. The reason for this comesfrom the construction <strong>of</strong> the differential <strong>of</strong> the Floer complex: the main obstructionfor defining a meaningful differential turns out to be existence <strong>of</strong> holomorphic discswith boundary on F or F'. These discs appear as a source <strong>of</strong> non-compactness <strong>of</strong>the space <strong>of</strong> solutions <strong>of</strong> the PDEs involved in the construction. Since holomorphic

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