International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

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Recent Progress in Kahler Geometry 2810.8. Some new result with G. TianIn 2001, Donaldson proved the followingTheorem 0.17. [17] (Openness) For any smooth solution to the geodesic equationwith a disc domain, there are always exists a smooth solution to the geodesic equationif we perturb the boundary data in a small open set (<strong>of</strong> the given boundary data).This is somewhat surprising result since it is very hard to deform any solution<strong>of</strong> a homogenous Monge-Ampere equation even locally. However, Donaldson wasable to make clever use <strong>of</strong> the Fredholm theory <strong>of</strong> holomorphic discs with totally realboundary in his pro<strong>of</strong>. Then the problem <strong>of</strong> closed-ness becomes very important inlight <strong>of</strong> this theorem. Tian and I are able to establish the closed-ness in this case.Theorem 0.18. [13] (Closure property) The defamation <strong>of</strong> geodesic solution in thepreceding theorem is indeed closed, provided we allow solution to be smooth almosteverywhere.This is a deep theorem and we will not go into detail here due to the expositorynature<strong>of</strong> this talk. However, this theorem, along with the ideas <strong>of</strong> pro<strong>of</strong>, shall haveimplication in both geometry and other Monge-Ampere type equation in the future.References[i[2[3;[4;[5;[6;[7;[8"[9[10;[HS. Bando. On the three dimensional compact Kahler manifolds <strong>of</strong> nonnegativebisectional curvature. J. D. G., 19:283^297, 1984.S. Bando and T. Mabuchi. Uniquness <strong>of</strong> Einstein Kahler metrics modulo connectedgroup actions. In Algebraic Geometry, Advanced Studies in Pure Math.,1987.E. Calabi. Extremal Kahler metrics. In Seminar on Differential Geometry,volume 16 <strong>of</strong> 102, 259^290. Ann. <strong>of</strong> Math. Studies, University Press, 1982.E. Calabi. Extremal Kahler metrics, II. In Differential geometry and Complexanalysis, 96^114. Springer, 1985.E. Calabi and X. X. Chen. Space <strong>of</strong> Kahler metrics (II), 1999. to appear inJ.D.G.H. D. Cao. Deformation <strong>of</strong> Kahler metrics to Kähler-Einstein metrics on compactKahler manifolds. Invent. Math., 81:359^372, 1985.J.Y. Chen and J.Y. Li. mean curvature flow <strong>of</strong> surfaces in 4-manifolds, 2000.Adv. in Math, (to appear).J.Y. Chen and J.Y. Li. quaternionic maps between hyperkähler manifolds, 2000.J. D. G.X. X. Chen. On lower bound <strong>of</strong> the Mabuchi energy and its application. <strong>International</strong>Mathematics Research Notices, 12, 2000.X. X. Chen. Space <strong>of</strong> Kahler metrics. Journal <strong>of</strong> Differential Geometry,,56:189^234, 2000.X. X. Chen. Calabi flow in Riemann surface revisited: a new point <strong>of</strong> views.(6):276^297, 2001. "<strong>International</strong> Mathematics Research Notices".

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