International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

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768 P. BianeObserve thatr(ai ... a n ) = R^(cti,..., a n ) + terms involving R^ for fc < nso that the R^ are well defined by (3.1) and can be computed by induction on n.They are called the noncrossing (or sometimes free) cumulant functionals on A.The formula (3.1) can be inverted to yieldR (n) (ai,...,a n )= Y Moeb([n,l n ])T[n](ai,...,a n ).TreNC(n)Here T[TT] (cti,..., a n ) = Yl V€n T~(aj x ... aj k ) where V = {ji,..., jk} are the classes<strong>of</strong> IT, and Moeb is the Möbius function <strong>of</strong> the lattice NC(n), see [20].For example, one hasfiW(ai) = r(ai); R^(ai,a 2 ) = r(aia 2 ) - r(ai)r(a 2 );R^(ai,a 2 ,a 3 ) = r(aia 2 a 3 ) - r(ai)r(a 2 az) - r(a 2 )r(aiaz)-r(az)r(aia 2 ) + 2r(ai)T(a 2 )r(az).Note that when the lattice <strong>of</strong> all partitions is used instead <strong>of</strong> noncrossing partitions,then one gets the usual family <strong>of</strong> cumulants (see Rota [16]), with another Alöbiusfunction.The connection between noncrossing cumulants and freeness is the followingresult from section 4 <strong>of</strong> [19].Theorem 2. Let {Afi £ 1} be a free family <strong>of</strong> subalgebras <strong>of</strong> (A,T), andai,...,a n £ A be such that aj belongs to some A tj for each j £ {1,2,..., n}. Thenone has R^ (ai,..., a n ) = 0 if there exists some j and k with ij ^ ik •This result leads to an explicit expression for r(ai.. .a n ), where ai,...,a nis an arbitrary sequence in A, such that each aj belongs to one <strong>of</strong> the algebrasAfi £ I. By Theorem 2, in the right hand side <strong>of</strong> (3.1), the terms correspondingto partitions n having a class containing two elements j, k such that aj and a^belong to distinct algebras give a zero contribution. Thus we have to sum overpartitions in which all j's belonging to a certain block <strong>of</strong> the partition are suchthat aj belongs to the same algebra. Since we can express noncrossing cumulantsin terms <strong>of</strong> moments we get the formula for r(ai ... a n ) in terms <strong>of</strong> the restrictions<strong>of</strong> r to each <strong>of</strong> the subalgebras A t . Noncrossing cumulants are a powerful toolfor making computations in free probability, see [11], [12], [13], [14], [18], for someapplications. We give a simple illustration below.Let Xi and X 2 be two self-adjoint elements which are free, then the distribution<strong>of</strong> Xi + X 2 , depends only on the distributions <strong>of</strong> Xi and X 2 and can becomputed as follows. Let R^(Xi,... ,Xi) and R^(X 2 ,... ,X 2 ), for n > 1, be thenoncrossing cumulants <strong>of</strong> Xi and X 2 , then one can expand R^ (Xi + X 2 ,...,Xi +X 2 ) by multilinearity as ^. • R^ (X tl ,..., X in ) where the sum is over all sequences<strong>of</strong> 1 and 2. By Theorem 2, all terms vanish except R^nfiXi,...,Xi) andRW (X 2 ,..., X 2 ). It follows thatR (n) (Xi + X 2 ,... ,Xi + X 2 ) = R (n) (Xi,.. .,Xi) + R (n) (X2,... ,X 2 )

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