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ICAl 2002 • Vol. II • 757-764Algebraic Structures on Valuations,Their Properties and ApplicationsSemyon Alesker*AbstractWe describe various structures <strong>of</strong> algebraic nature on the space <strong>of</strong> continuousvaluations on convex sets, their properties (like versions <strong>of</strong> Poincaréduality and hard Lefschetz theorem), and their relations and applications tointegral geometry.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46, 47.Keywords and Phrases: Valuations, Convex sets, Kinematic formulas, ReductiveLie group.0. IntroductionThe theory <strong>of</strong> continuous valuations on convex sets generalizes, in a sense, boththe measure theory and the theory <strong>of</strong> the Euler characteristic. Roughly speaking oneshould think <strong>of</strong> a continuous valuation on a real linear space V as a finite additivemeasure on a class <strong>of</strong> compact nice subsets <strong>of</strong> V (say piecewise smooth submanifoldswith corners) which satisfy the following additional property (instead <strong>of</strong> the usualsigma-additivity): the restriction <strong>of</strong> to the subclass <strong>of</strong> convex compact domainswith smooth boundary extends by continuity to the class /C(V) <strong>of</strong> all convex compactsubsets <strong>of</strong> V. Here the continuity is understood in the sense <strong>of</strong> the Hausdorff metricon /C(V). Remind that the Hausdorff metric dn on /C(V) depends on the choice<strong>of</strong> the Euclidean metric on V and it is defined as follows: dn(A,B) := infje >0|A c (B) e and B C (A) e }, where (U) e denotes the e-neighborhood <strong>of</strong> a set U.This condition <strong>of</strong> continuity turns out to be very strong restriction and has a lot <strong>of</strong>consequences on purely algebraic level. These properties will be discussed in thispaper. The simplest examples <strong>of</strong> such valuations are any smooth measure on V andthe Euler characteristic. Also it turns out that one <strong>of</strong> the main tools used recentlyin investigations <strong>of</strong> valuations is the representation theory <strong>of</strong> real reductive groupsand the Beilinson-Bernstein theory <strong>of</strong> D-modules.Now let us give the formal definition <strong>of</strong> valuation.* Department <strong>of</strong> Mathematics, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel. E-mail:semyon@post.tau.ac.il

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